Carbohydrates come in two ways. simple and complex
simple carbohydrates are unpopular because they come from unhealthy food with little nutrients
complex carbohydrates are rich in vitamins and fiber and are a great source of energy
nutrients fuel your body the same way gas fuels cars so if you don't get the nutrients you wont function well just like if you put the wrong fuel in a car
your body needs nutrients to
fuel you
help you grow
repair itself
maintain basic body functions
water is the most important of the nutrients. Without it you will die
Protein helps your body maintain and retain tissue
protein can not be stored by the body for later use so it should be consumed multiple times throughout the day
there are two types of proteins. complete and incomplete
complete contain the 9 essential amino acids and incomplete do not
Fats,vitamins, and minerals are very important
Carbohydrates are an ideal source of energy for your body
55% to 65% of what you consume should be carbohydrates
you cant digest fiber but it helps digestion
your body can produce 11 of the 20 amino acids
there are three types of fat, trans, saturated, and unsaturated
A fat like substance found in the body
is found in animal products
Cholesterol can help the body but too much can be harmful to your body
Not being active raises cholesterol more than foods with high cholesterol levels