Hostage: Addictions


Messages (Hostage) Mind Map on Hostage: Addictions, created by Ross Johnson on 26/12/2013.
Ross Johnson
Mind Map by Ross Johnson, updated more than 1 year ago
Ross Johnson
Created by Ross Johnson about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Hostage: Addictions
  1. intro
    1. difficult subject matter
      1. we don't like term "Addictions"
        1. we prefer "disease", "genetically predisposed"
          1. I think these terms do us harm
            1. harm in understanding what it really at work
            2. if we can label as diseases, then we are not accountable
              1. it's not our fault
              2. what are some addictions?
                1. Dr. Ed Welch quote (see seperate Page
                2. addictions are heart, mind & body issues
                  1. do not walk
                    1. live, think, act, etc
                      1. dare I say, worship
                      2. Eph. 4.17ff
                        1. every human heart desires to worship something/someone
                          1. addictions are our way worshipping that idol
                            1. see diagram (slide)
                              1. me & my dad
                              2. heart idol indicator - I just want...(peace, control, happiness)
                              3. Take off the grave clothes, put on the grace clothes
                                1. practice Christ
                                  1. Christ is alive - you are alive
                                    1. in Christ is a new life
                                      1. instead of clamoring for control/approval - Give Christ control
                                        1. let God say, well done!
                                        2. Eph. 4.20-24
                                          1. practice Scriptures
                                            1. 2 Tim 3.16
                                              1. renew you r minds
                                                1. physically we are what we eat...
                                                  1. but spiritually, we are what we think
                                                    1. Prov. 23.7
                                                  2. practice replacing
                                                    1. for every sinful act,
                                                      1. Paul said to replace it w/something right (25-32)
                                                    2. how do I beat my addictions?
                                                      1. take home
                                                        1. what are you struggling with?
                                                          1. what addiction are you facing this morning?
                                                            1. none of this is easy, but it is a painstaking process
                                                              1. What though/action is God asking you to replace?
                                                                1. is week, read 1 Cor. 10.13
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