The managment of people in organizations to drive
success organizational performance and achievment or
organization's strategic goals.
Human Capital
The knowledge
education, training, skills
and expertise of an
organization's workforce
Strategic role
Involves formulating and implimenting
HRM systems (recruitment, performance
appraisal and compensation) that are
aligned with the organization's strategy to
ensure that the workforce has the
competencies and behaviors required to
achieve the orgnizations strategic
objectives. It is crucial HR stategy be
aligned with the company's strategy
History of HRM
Phase 1: ( early 1900's)
Included Personal Admin, Hiring and firing and payroll
Phase 2: 1930-40's
Union Liason, compliance with new
laws. Orientation, performance
appraisal, employee relations
Phase 3: 1960-80's
HRM, Ousourcing of several admin duties and
emphasis on contribution and protective
management of people
Phase 4: 1990's - Now
Every line manager must possess basic HR skills, Help achieve
strategic objectives, New roles: activist, change steward,
talent manager, organizational designer, operational executor
and business ally
Measuring Value of HR
Traditional: focus on activity and Cost
Focus on productivity, quality and sales, market share and profits
Utilize the balanced score card: a measurment
system that translates an organizations strategy
into a comprehensive set of performance
How to better drive Business outcomes; consider the ROI of people programs
Align organizations daily
tasks compared to business
Time of Productivity can shed light
on many aspects of people programs
and manaegment capabilities
Environmental Influences
Affect supply and demand,
unemployment rates,
productivity levels
Labour Market
Increasing workforce
diversity amongs
ethnic minoritiesm
women and
make working for a
corporation more flexible
where ppl can wrk from any
Legislation is complex
because it covers 14
different jurisdictions
market place is
more competative
particularly to
words driving down
labour costs and
wage and
outsoruceing jbs
Corporate social
climate change are
factors regarding
Organizational Culture
The core values, beliefs and assumptions that
are widely shared by members of an
Convey thorough mission statement
Communicate what the organization believes in
Provides Employees with a sense of
direction and expected behaviours
shaping employees attitudes about
themselves the organizations and
Organizational Climate
Internal weather inside the
organization and the impact on
the employee
Can be: un/friendly,
open/secretive, rigid/
flexible, innovative or
Management Practices
Evolved due to transitioning from
structure to flatten organizations
Thus employee empowerment has greatly
increased- providing workers w/skills and
authority to make decisions that would
traditionally be made by managers