fossil fuels


fossil fuels coal, oil, natural gases fuels
Mind Map by tramirez, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by tramirez almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

fossil fuels
  1. Fuels are substances that provide energy, such as heat, light, motion or electricity. Made of hydrocarbon. Chemical compounds that contain carbon and hydrogen atoms. Main 3 major fossil fuels coal, oil and natural gas.
    1. oil
      1. Oil is a thick, black, liquid fossil fuel. I is form from the remains of small animals, algae and other organisms that lived in oceans. It is used for most cars, airplanes, trains and ships. Oil deposits are located deep below the surface, finding oil is difficult. They are used to make plastics, paints, medicines and cosmetics.
      2. coal
        1. Coal is burned to produce heat. People mine to find coal wich is a dangerous job. Is the most plentiful fossil fuel in the U.S and it is easy to transport. Coal mining increases erosion and runoff from coal mines causes water pollution. Burning coal produces more pollution than other fuels.
        2. Natural gas
          1. Oil it is a mixture of methane and other gases. It formes from some of the same organisms as oil. It is less dense than oil, so it rises above an oil deposit forming a pocket of gas in the rock. It produces large amounts of energy and has lower levels of air pollutants compared to coal or oil. It is highly flammable.
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