Allosteric Regulation by Protein Phosphorylation


Undergraduate Cellular Pathology Mind Map on Allosteric Regulation by Protein Phosphorylation, created by Sophie Barrett on 16/02/2014.
Sophie Barrett
Mind Map by Sophie Barrett, updated more than 1 year ago
Sophie Barrett
Created by Sophie Barrett about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Allosteric Regulation by Protein Phosphorylation
  1. Major mechanism by which cells response to extracelluar stimuli
    1. e.g. hormones, light, neutrophic factors, cytokines
      1. Virtually every kind of neuronal protein is regulated by phosphorylation
      2. Protein Kinase transfers phosphate groups from ATP to side chains of serine, threonine or tyrosine on the substrate protein.
        1. How is the activity of the substrate protein terminated?
          1. By protein phosphatase = dephosphorylates by hydrolysis
          2. Protein Kinases may also activate or modify other protein kinases downstream, or transcription factors such as ERK
            1. There are 2 kinds of Protein Kinases
              1. 99% phosphorylate serine or threonine residues
                1. e.g. cAMP-dependant PKA which when activated translocates to nucleus to phosphorylate CREB on residue ser133.
                2. 1% phosphorylate tyrosine kinases (PTK)
                  1. e.g. growth-factor receptors where ligand binding induces dimerisation and the Tyr residues are transphosphorylated
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