5.3 The Child


Developmental Psychology (Physical Development and Health) Mind Map on 5.3 The Child, created by Cy290994 on 19/02/2014.
Mind Map by Cy290994, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Cy290994 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

5.3 The Child
  1. Steady Growth


    • From age 2 --> Puberty 
    1. Cephalocaudal and proximodistal principles operate
    2. Physical Behavior
      1. Children master the ability to move capably in a changing enviro
        1. Motor skills responsive to practice
          1. Accuracy and Coordination Increases
            1. Quicker reaction times
              1. Contributes to steady improvements in memory and other cognitive skills from
            2. Health and Wellness
              1. Affected by education & socioeconomics
                1. Childhood marked by unintentional injuries
                  1. Affected by nutrition
                    1. Well balanced diet v/s fast food
                      1. Fast food is cheap & unhealthy
                        1. Children eat + at home and gain + weight under stressful conditions
                          1. Bronfenbrenner exosystem
                        2. Parents can prevent junk food and model healthy eating
                          1. Children @ schools with breakfast program healthier
                      2. Physical Activity
                        1. Many lead sedentary life styles
                          1. TV
                            1. Some are predisposed
                            2. = "Brain food"
                              1. Neighborhoods w/ safe outdoor activities less overweight
                                1. Schools with fixed v/s unfixed equipment more active
                              Show full summary Hide full summary


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