5.5 The Adult


Developmental Psychology (Physical Development and Health) Mind Map on 5.5 The Adult, created by Cy290994 on 21/02/2014.
Mind Map by Cy290994, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Cy290994 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

5.5 The Adult
  1. Typical Changes
    1. Appearance and Physical Changes
      1. Noticeable around 40's
        1. Skin: dry and loose
          1. Hair thins and grays
            1. Extra weight
              1. Little time to exercise with family and work responsibilities
            2. 60's: lose muscle mass
              1. Caused by sedentary lifestyle
              2. Involves gradual decline in the efficiency of most bodily systems
                1. Decline in reserved capacity for organ systems


                  • ability to respond to demands for extraordinary output
                  1. Avg older person tires more quickly after vigorous activity than avg younger person
                2. Psychological Implications
                  1. Ageism
                    1. Elderly internalize them but believe they apply to others and not themselves
                    2. Most are able to retain sense of well-being and ability to function independently despite increase of impairments
                  2. The Reproductive System
                    1. Men
                      1. high levels of testosterone --> more aggressive and sexually active
                        1. Highest levels in June & July
                        2. Andropause
                          1. lower levels of testosterone, libido, energy, erections, memory problems, pubic hair
                            1. over 50
                              1. No clear connection with testosterone levels
                                1. changes are more gradual,variable, and less complete
                                  1. fewer psychological effects and sexual activity
                            2. Women
                              1. PMS symptoms
                                1. Menopause btwn 45-54
                                  1. Less feminine hormone mixture and more masculine
                                    1. Hot flashes
                                      1. No effect on levels of anxiety, stress, dissatisfaction
                                        1. HRT


                                          • Hormone Replacement Therapy
                                          1. cure for menopausal symptoms
                                            1. Increases risk in breast cancers, heart attacks, strokes
                                            2. Exercise and enough sleep: good solution
                                        2. Slowing Down
                                          1. Perform motor action slower
                                            1. Brain slows
                                              1. NS slows
                                            2. Trouble with new and complex tasks
                                              1. Ability to produce complex behavior reduces with age
                                                1. NS slows
                                              2. Physical and Mental exercise can speed reactions of the elderly on familiar motor tasks
                                              3. Disease, Disuse, or Abuse?
                                                1. Possible that disease, not age, accounts for declines in functioning
                                                  1. But increased vulnerability to disease is normal w/ aging
                                                  2. Most body systems thrive on use but many people become inactive as they age
                                                    1. Drugs typically affect older people more than younger people
                                                      1. Can interact with the aging body to impair functioning
                                                    2. Health and Wellness
                                                      1. Exercise results in less stress and enhancement in cognitive functioning
                                                        1. Less depression
                                                          1. Cannot stop aging
                                                          2. Frequent Diseases
                                                            1. Osteoprosis


                                                              • serious loss of minerals leaves bones fragile and easily fractured
                                                              1. One fall can change an entire lifestyle
                                                                1. Weight bearing exercises and nutrition w/ calcium
                                                                2. Osteoarthritus


                                                                  • gradual deterioration of the cartilage that cushions bones from rubbing against each other
                                                                  1. deforming, painful and limits activities
                                                              2. Successful Aging
                                                                1. Nun Study
                                                                  1. Level of education affected longetivity and health
                                                                    1. Activity resulted in longetivity
                                                                      1. + attitude slows effects of aging
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