Social Issues


Mind Map on Social Issues, created by ahump44 on 17/03/2014.
Mind Map by ahump44, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ahump44 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Social Issues
  1. Animal Rights
    1. Testing on animals
      1. Culling
        1. Factory farming
          1. Animals as entertainment
            1. Hunting
            2. Addiction
              1. Gambling
                1. Alcohol
                  1. Drugs
                    1. Sex
                      1. Computer games
                        1. Cigarettes
                        2. Health
                          1. Mental health
                            1. Eating disorders
                              1. Depression
                                1. Suicide
                                  1. Schizophrenia
                                  2. Obesity
                                    1. AIDS
                                    2. Environment
                                      1. Pollution
                                        1. Deforestation
                                          1. Coal Seam Gas
                                            1. Dumping waste
                                            2. Politics
                                              1. Taxes
                                                1. Corruption
                                                  1. Voting rights
                                                  2. Youth
                                                    1. School and work stress
                                                      1. Peer pressure
                                                        1. Body image
                                                          1. Bullying
                                                          2. Equality
                                                            1. Indigenous Rights
                                                              1. Health
                                                                1. Mortality
                                                                  1. Literacy
                                                                    1. Employment
                                                                    2. LGBT Rights
                                                                      1. Discrimination
                                                                        1. Marriage equality
                                                                        2. Women
                                                                          1. Gap between rich and poor
                                                                          2. Other
                                                                            1. Refugee rights
                                                                              1. Crime
                                                                                1. War
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