Congestive heart Failure


a concept map about Congestive heart failure
mohammed alshura
Mind Map by mohammed alshura, updated more than 1 year ago
mohammed alshura
Created by mohammed alshura about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Congestive heart Failure
  1. Risk factors
    1. Hypertension
      1. Myocardial infarction
        1. Coronary heart disease
          1. Age & Gender
            1. Ethnicty & Family history
              1. Diabetes & Obesity
              2. Classification
                1. High & low output
                  1. Systolic & Diastolic
                    1. Acute and chronic
                    2. Compensatory Mechanisms
                      1. Great Vessels of the heart
                        1. Diagnosis
                          1. Physical Examination
                            1. History
                            2. Investigations
                              1. Echo
                                1. Chest X-ray
                                  1. Blood test
                                    1. ECG
                                      1. Cardiac Catheterization
                                      2. Pathophysiology
                                        1. Left sided heart failue
                                          1. Causes
                                            1. Ischemia
                                              1. Hypertension
                                                1. MI
                                                2. effect
                                                  1. Backward
                                                    1. Pulmonary Congestion
                                                      1. Coughing/ Dyspnea / Orthopnea / PND / Plumonary Edema / Crackles
                                                    2. Forward
                                                      1. decreased CO
                                                        1. Hypoperfusion of organs : Chest pain / syncope
                                                  2. Right sided Heart Failure
                                                    1. Causes
                                                      1. Left sided HF
                                                        1. Left to right shunts
                                                          1. Chronic lung disease
                                                          2. Effects
                                                            1. Juglar Vein distention / Hepatosplenomegaly / liver cirrhosis / Pitting Edema
                                                        2. Management
                                                          1. non-Pharmacological
                                                            1. Monitoring
                                                              1. Sodium Intake
                                                                1. Fluid Intake
                                                                2. Excercise
                                                                3. Pharmacological
                                                                  1. Increase function of the heart
                                                                    1. Adrenergics
                                                                      1. Inotropics
                                                                        1. B-adrenergic blockers
                                                                        2. Decrease load on the heart
                                                                          1. Diuretics
                                                                            1. ACE-I
                                                                              1. ARBs
                                                                                1. Vasodilators
                                                                                  1. Aldosterone Antagonist
                                                                              Show full summary Hide full summary


                                                                              Danielle Richardson
                                                                              History of Medicine: Ancient Ideas
                                                                              James McConnell
                                                                              Epithelial tissue
                                                                              Morgan Morgan
                                                                              4. The Skeletal System - bones of the skull
                                                                              Neuro anatomy
                                                                              James Murdoch
                                                                              The Endocrine System
                                                                              Medical Terminology
                                                                              Respiratory anatomy
                                                                              James Murdoch
                                                                              Diabetes - pathophysiology
                                                                              Morgan Morgan
                                                                              Neuro system
                                                                              James Murdoch