Is Monarto Zoo a Sustainable Form of Ecotourism


excursion trip report presenation
Matthew Baker
Mind Map by Matthew Baker, updated more than 1 year ago
Matthew Baker
Created by Matthew Baker about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Is Monarto Zoo a Sustainable Form of Ecotourism
  1. Economic
    1. Posatives
      1. Negatives
        1. The animals are being separated and taken from their families.
          1. This is as a result of the capture of endangered species to try an repopulate them.
          2. Some ignorant people are making the animals uncomfortable sometimes, by misbehaving. This is even for something as simple as a reaction from the animals.
            1. Some of the animals may be discomforted, as a result of being kept in an enclosure
          3. Social and Cultural
            1. Positives
              1. There are overnight learning programs that inform people about the conservation of endangered animals.
                1. There are
                2. Negatives
                3. Environmental
                  1. Positives
                    1. The animal populations are being regenerated by the capture and breeding of the endangered ones.
                    2. Negatives
                      1. There is land being cleared for enclosures and some buildings. This leads on to the environmental cycles being interrupted and the fact that they may contribute to global warming, more than usual.
                    3. Ecotourism Definition
                      1. Ecotourism is directed towards exotic natural environments, intended to support conservation efforts and observe wildlife, without causing harm or discomfort to the animals themselves nor their habitats.
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