

This is a school project
Jonathan Hu
Mind Map by Jonathan Hu, updated more than 1 year ago
Jonathan Hu
Created by Jonathan Hu over 8 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

  1. Abraham (father of Judaism)
    1. Hebrews
      1. Became Jews
        1. Moses
          1. He brought the Jews out of slavery in Eygpt
            1. The Exodus from Egypt
          2. David
            1. became king when he defeated an giant opponent Goliath
              1. United the Hebrews into one kingdom
                1. Chose Jerusalem as the capital
                  1. Solomon, son of David
                    1. Built a big temple called Solomon
        2. Isaac
          1. was almost sacrificed by Abraham(god wanted to test his faith)
            1. Stoped by god
          2. ishmael
          3. Belief
            1. Monotheism
              1. belief in only one god
            2. God
              1. No form
                1. Trade promises
              2. Education
                1. Torah
                  1. monotheism
                    1. belief in only one god
                    2. Talmud
                      1. Writing that explain the teaching of Jews
                      2. Ten Commandments
                        1. Moral rules of rights and wrongs
                        2. Torah
                          1. The bible of Jews
                        3. Torah
                          1. records and teaching of judaism
                          2. The Jewish Dispora
                            1. started in 597B.C.E and ended in 538B.C.E
                              1. Ruled by Babylonians
                                1. Ruled by about half a centry
                                2. Ruled by Persians
                                  1. The Babylonians were conquered by the Persians in 539B.C.E
                                    1. The Persians ruled for 400 years
                                    2. Ruled by the Greeks
                                      1. about in 139B.C.E
                                        1. Were treated harshly
                                          1. Forced to pray with different religions
                                            1. Revolted from 168 to 164 B.C.E
                                              1. Drove the Greeks out of Jerusalem
                                    3. Ruled by the Romans
                                      1. 63B.C.E
                                        1. The Romans appointed King Herod to be king in 22B.C.E
                                          1. He expanded the temple of Solomon
                                            1. In 66C.E, his two sons led a revolt against the Romans and kept them out of Jerusalem
                                              1. In 70 C.E the Romans demolished the Solomon temple for the second time
                                                1. The Romans forbid the Jews to enterJerusalem
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