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BABOK Structure


CBAP Business Analysis (Chapter 1 - Introduction) Mind Map on BABOK Structure, created by Mohamed Elgendy on 06/12/2016.
Mohamed Elgendy
Mind Map by Mohamed Elgendy, updated more than 1 year ago
Mohamed Elgendy
Created by Mohamed Elgendy about 8 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

BABOK Structure
  1. Knowledge Areas


    • Strategy Analysis Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring  Elicitation and Collaboration Requirements Life Cycle Management  Requirements Analysis and Design Definition Solution Evaluation
    1. Tasks
      1. Purpose
        1. Description
          1. Inputs
            1. Elements
              1. Guidines and Tools
                1. Techniques
                  1. Purpose
                    1. Description
                      1. Elements
                        1. Usage Consideration
                        2. Stakeholders
                          1. Outputs
                          2. Business Analysis Core Concept Model
                            1. Change
                              1. Need
                                1. Solution
                                  1. Stakeholder
                                    1. Value
                                      1. Context
                                    2. Perspectives
                                      1. Focus
                                        1. Business Intelligence
                                          1. Information Technoloyg
                                            1. Business Architecture
                                              1. Agile
                                                1. Business Process Management
                                                2. Change Scope
                                                  1. Business Analysis Scope
                                                    1. Methodologies, Approaches and Techniques
                                                    2. Underlying Competencies
                                                      1. Purpose
                                                        1. Definition
                                                          1. Effective Measures
                                                          2. Key Concepts
                                                            1. Terms
                                                              1. Requirements Classification Schema
                                                                1. Stakeholders
                                                                  1. Requirements And Design
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