Appreciative Inquiry


Postgraduate MOC Mind Map on Appreciative Inquiry, created by andrewcroninfinn on 05/05/2013.
Mind Map by andrewcroninfinn, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by andrewcroninfinn over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Appreciative Inquiry
  1. Key Characteristics
    1. Bushem
      1. 3 Parts
        1. 2. Discovering (the best of)
          1. Inquiry Matrix
          2. 1. Understanding (what creates the best of)
            1. Interviews
            2. 3. Amplifying (what/who best exemplify the best of)
              1. Test Propositions
            3. No universal method, but key parameters
              1. Social forms aren't inherently real
                1. Natural tendencies to evolve towards most positive visions
                2. Theory of organising
                  1. Way of changing social systems
                  2. Specific Steps
                    1. 1. Recall best experience
                      1. 2. Group engages in dialogue
                        1. 3. List & develop attributes of highly effective groups
                          1. 4. Public acknowledgement of behaviour that has helped the group become more like these attributes
                  3. Berrisford
                    1. 4 Stages
                      1. 1. Discovery
                        1. The best of what is
                          1. Organisational Excellence
                            1. Forge personal connections
                          2. 2. Dream
                            1. Participants think about what could be
                            2. 3. Design
                              1. Participants create touchstones
                                1. Positive visions for future
                                2. 4. Destiny
                                  1. Creation of action steps
                                3. BBC
                                  1. AI uses positive dialogue to generate an image of a new and better future
                                    1. Element of formality to the process of learning from organisational experience
                                  2. 5 Steps of an AI Summit
                                    1. Defining
                                      1. Discovering
                                        1. Dreaming
                                          1. Designing
                                            1. Delivering
                                      2. Expected Results
                                        1. More informed & effective change
                                          1. Critical mass of people making changes they all deem necessary
                                            1. Total organisation mindset
                                              1. Simultaneous Change
                                                1. Change/Real Work Division Gone
                                                  1. Unity and purpose
                                              2. Reality is a social construction
                                                1. Perceptions of reality are the product of dialogue and interaction
                                                  1. Generation of a shared image of a better future through a collective process of inquiry into the best of what is and has been
                                                    1. Creates a pull effect
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