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Opium Wars
Mind Map on Opium Wars, created by Katherine French on 09/01/2017.
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Mind Map by
Katherine French
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Katherine French
about 8 years ago
Resource summary
Opium Wars
Opium Trade
Started C7th (medicinal), C17th mixed with tobbaco and smoked
East India Company
Wanted to trade opium for tea, Chinese govt refused
British traders smuggled in Opium, in exchange for tea, EIC made a huge profit
EIC took control of of growing opium in Bengal, India, to maximise profits.
1799 - Jiaqing Emperor issued an imperial decree banning imports of opium, but the trade increased.
EIC made 7 million silver dollars between 1806-09
Qing govt were in Bejing, so unable to prevent trade to the south
Commissioner Lin sent to stop the trade
Influences/Actions of Commissioner Lin
British Reaction
British traders angry at the destruction of opium
demanded compensation from the Britsh govt
antagonism increases, British Sailors kill a Chinese villager
British govt refuse to send the men to be tried under Chinese law
Outbreak & Nature of War
Hostilities broke out when a British warship destroyed a Chinese Blockade
July 1840 British fleet proceed up Pearly River to Canton
After negotiations they attacked and occupied the city in May 1841
Following caimpaigns were sucessful
Qing launched a counter attack Spring 1842, but the British held out
British captured Nanjing August 1842
Convention of Chuepi
British Plenipotentiary Charles Elliot & Chinese Imperial Commissioner Qishan
drafted 20th January 1841, never ratified
Cessions, habour, and island of Hong Kong to the British
but Qing govt allowed to collect taxes
British took formal possession 26th January 1841
An indemnity of 6 million silver dollars to be paid to the British govt immediately
Port of Canton to be opened to trade within 10 days of the new year
Direct intercourse between the countries upon equal footing
Taikoktow & Chuenpi back to Chinese
returned 21st of January
British prisoners in Ningpo released
Treaty of Nanking
Ended the first opium war, first unequal treaty
29th of August 1842
ratified by Queen Victoria & Daoguang Emperor 9 months later
Foreign Trade
abolished monopoly of the Cohong and the 13 factories in Canton
Four additional treaty ports opened up alongside Canton; Amoy, Ningpo, Foochowfoo, and Shanghai
Trade in treaty ports subject to fixed tarriff
Britain gained right to send consuls to Treaty Ports
who can communicate directly with local officals
Reparations and Demobilisation
21million silver dollars from China to Britain as total reparations for the war
6m for the confiscated opium
3m for debts the Hong Kong merchants in Canton owed British Merhcnats
12m for the cost of the war
Paid in annual installments over three years
charged an annual interest rate of 5% if the debts weren't paid on time
All British prisoners of war released
amnesty for all Chinese subjects who co-operated with the British.
British withdrew all troops from Nanking and the Grand canal after the treaty's ratification and the first installment of reparations paid
British troops would remain in Gulangyu and Zhoushan until all reparations paid.
Cession of Hong Kong
made a crown colony
a port for British traders to unload their goods
Aftermath & Legacy
Supplementary treaties should be established
Treaty of the Bouge 3rd of October 1843
Suplimentary treaties left issues unfinished
State of the Opium trade
later legilised after the Second Opium War (Tianjin)
Treaty of the Bouge
Signed 3rd of October 1843
Granted extraterritoriality & most favoured nation status (to Britain)
Part of the "General Regulations of Trade with Britain and China"
laid down regulations for Sino-British trade
in particular where the Brits could reside in these ports
Brits allowed to buy property in treaty ports (and live there), but not allowed to travel or trade within the interior of China
paved way for the consolidation of the opening of China
1845 Qing & British authorities promulgated the Shanghai Land Regulations
Paved way for the Shanghai International Settlement
similar agreements in other cities
lead to Anglo-Sino social divide within cities
Second Opium War
Britain demanded more of China
all Chinese ports open to British trade
opium trade made legal to opium to opium from India & British Burma
British goods imports to be free of levies & tarrifs
British embassy in Beijing
Arrow incident 1856
Chinese slow to release the ship, so Parmelston sends warships to shell Canton
Anglo-French forces sieze Canton & Tianjin 1857
China forced to recognise superiority of west
Isolationism no longer possible
Increase in opium imports
Sino-Japanese War
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