The European Union


Institutions and Policies
Siobhan Kilcullen
Mind Map by Siobhan Kilcullen, updated more than 1 year ago
Siobhan Kilcullen
Created by Siobhan Kilcullen almost 11 years ago
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Resource summary

The European Union
  1. Institutions 7
    1. The Commission
      1. Who? 28 Commissioners appointed by member state governments. (Maire Geoghan Quinn)
        1. Each commissioner is responsible of a particular area.
        2. Responsibility? To propose new laws, to manage the day to day running of the EU.
          1. Works solely in the interest of the EU.
          2. European Parliament Lux / Strasbourg/ Brussels
            1. Directly elected by EU citizens.
              1. Represents EU citizens
                1. Debates and passes EU legislation jointly with the Council of Europe
                  1. Approves the EU budget and is a watchdog for the citizens
                  2. Council of the European Union Brussels
                    1. Who? Ministers from each of 28 governments which minister depends on what is being discussed.
                      1. Responsibility ?To pass EU law with the parliament.
                        1. Directive LB
                          1. Change or amend national law to achieve objective
                          2. Regulations LB
                            1. Applies to all states in the same way.
                            2. Decision LB
                              1. Applies to one c ountry, company or person.
                              2. Recommendation Not LB
                                1. Expresses an opinion that the member state can accept or not.
                            3. European Council Brussels


                              1. Who? 28 Heads of State (Enda Kenny)
                                1. Responsibility? To set the direction and priorities of the EU
                                  1. Represents: Individual countries.
                                  2. Court of Auditors Luxembourg
                                    1. Monitors income and expenditure.
                                      1. Ensures EU money is spent in a way that provides best value to EU tax payers
                                        1. 28 members
                                        2. Court of Justice Luxembourg
                                          1. 28 judges
                                            1. Responsibility? To interpret EU law and make sure EU law is applied equally in every state.
                                            2. European Central Bank Frankfurt
                                              1. Responsibility? Managing the euro and the EU’s monetary policy
                                            3. Policies
                                              1. Environmental Policy by 2020
                                                1. aims to help prevent climate change by seriously reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 20%
                                                  1. aims to raise renewable energy’s share of the market to 20 %
                                                    1. aims to cut overall energy consumption by 20 %.
                                                      1. 10 % of fuel for transport should come from biofuerls, electricity or hydrogen.
                                                      2. Common Agricultural Policy
                                                        1. Stable supply of affordable food
                                                          1. Keep countryside alive
                                                            1. Environmentally sustainable production
                                                              1. Protect income of farmers
                                                                1. Attracting young farmers
                                                                2. Common Fisheries Policy


                                                                  1. Conservation of fish stock
                                                                    1. Protect the marine environment
                                                                      1. Promoting Aquaculture
                                                                        1. Stable affordable supply of food
                                                                          1. Protect the income of fishermen
                                                                          2. Single European Market
                                                                            1. Freedom of movement of
                                                                              1. Capital
                                                                                1. Workers
                                                                                  1. Goods
                                                                                  2. No trade barriers within
                                                                                    1. Common External Barriers
                                                                                      1. Tariff
                                                                                        1. tax/customs duty
                                                                                        2. Quota
                                                                                          1. Restrictiton on quantities
                                                                                          2. Embargo
                                                                                            1. Complete ban
                                                                                            2. Subsidies
                                                                                              1. Helps out home trade
                                                                                          3. Regional /Structural Policy
                                                                                            1. ERDF and ESF
                                                                                              1. Cohesion and Equality
                                                                                                1. Infrastructure and employment creation
                                                                                                2. Competition Policy
                                                                                                  1. To ensure free competition and prevent anti-competitive behaviour
                                                                                                    1. Cartels - price fixing
                                                                                                      1. Abuse of dominant position - squeezing competitors out
                                                                                                        1. Monitors mergers
                                                                                                          1. Open markets to competition
                                                                                                            1. Why? Low prices, better quality, innovation, more choice.


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