
Medicine Mind Map on AYMAN THE SWIMMER, created by Menna Emam on 11/02/2017.
Menna Emam
Mind Map by Menna Emam, updated more than 1 year ago
Menna Emam
Created by Menna Emam over 7 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Shoulder
    1. Anatomy
      1. Joints
        1. A point at which two or more bones meet / articulate
          1. Fibrous Joint
            1. The Articular surface of the bones are connected together by a STEONG FIBROUS TISSUE
              1. NO MOVEMENTS are permitted
                1. found in:
                  1. Sutures of the skull
                    1. Syndesmosis
                      1. Gomphosis
                    2. Cartilaginous Joint
                      1. Primary
                        1. connected by
                          1. Hyaline cartilage
                            1. NO movement
                              1. Ossify w/ age
                                1. Found in:
                                  1. Epiphyseal Cartilage
                                    1. B/W the 1st costal cartilage & sternum
                          2. Secondary
                            1. Connected by
                              1. LIMITED movement
                                1. RARLY ossify
                                  1. Found in:
                                    1. Symphysis Pubis
                                      1. Intervertebral Disc
                                        1. Joints B/W pieces of the sternum
                                  2. White Fibro-cartilage
                              2. Synovial Joint
                                1. Structure
                                  1. Classification
                                2. Muscles
                                    1. Rotator's Cuff
                                      1. Pathology
                                        1. Swimmer's Shoulder
                                          1. AKA
                                            1. Throwers Shoulder
                                              1. Painful arc syndrome
                                                1. Supraspinatous Syndrome
                                                  1. Shoulder Impingement syndrome
                                            2. Causes
                                              1. Tendon impingement and an inflammatory response in subacromial space
                                                1. As a result of
                                                  1. Loss of function of the
                                                    1. Bony Spurs
                                                      1. Thickening of the subacromial bursa
                                              2. Signs & Symptoms
                                                1. Weakness of affected site
                                                  1. Pain deep to the shoulder
                                                    1. Restrictions of motion
                                            3. Prevention
                                              1. Avoid over exercising
                                                1. Avoid use of swimming paddles
                                                  1. Avoid sudden increase in the intensity
                                          2. Nerves
                                            1. Bones
                                              1. Blood supply
                                            2. Sports Injuries
                                              1. common sports injuries
                                                1. Runner's Knee injury
                                                  1. Tennis Elbow
                                                    1. Ankle sprain
                                                2. Types
                                                  1. Acute
                                                    1. Signs
                                                      1. Tenderness in the upper limb
                                                        1. Inability to move joint in complete range of motion
                                                          1. Weakness in the lower limb
                                                            1. Visible dislocation
                                                              1. Sudden sever pain
                                                        2. Types
                                                          1. Contact injuries
                                                            1. Nerve injuries
                                                            2. Dislocation
                                                              1. Fractures
                                                                1. Avulsions
                                                              2. Strains
                                                                1. Sprains
                                                            3. Chronic
                                                              1. Overuse of a particular part of the body due to excercise
                                                            4. Preventions
                                                              1. When jumping land with knees bent
                                                                1. Use protective equipment
                                                                  1. Avoid twisting ankles
                                                                    1. Warm up
                                                            5. Shoulder pain
                                                              1. causes
                                                                1. Arthritis of the shoulder
                                                                  1. Rotator's Cuff
                                                                    1. Frozen shoulder
                                                                      1. Poor posture
                                                                        1. Fracture
                                                                2. Management
                                                                  1. Physiotherapy
                                                                    1. Regaining ROM
                                                                      1. Restore technique
                                                                        1. Restore scapular control
                                                                          1. Restore normal neck-scapula-thoracic shoulder function
                                                                    2. Pain relief
                                                                      1. Apply ice
                                                                        1. Rest & decrease activities
                                                                          1. Anti-inflammatory medications
                                                                    3. Investigations
                                                                      1. MRI
                                                                        1. CT Scan
                                                                          1. X-ray
                                                                          2. Types of pain
                                                                            1. Somatic
                                                                              1. Visceral
                                                                                1. Neuropathic
                                                                          3. Sports Medicine
                                                                            1. Physical examination
                                                                              1. Impingement test
                                                                                1. Impingement
                                                                                  1. complications
                                                                                    1. Tearing
                                                                                      1. Arthritis
                                                                                        1. Loss of motion
                                                                                  2. Management
                                                                                    1. Patient Education
                                                                                      1. Physiotherapy
                                                                                        1. NSAIDS
                                                                                          1. RIC
                                                                                  3. Physiology
                                                                                    1. Psychology
                                                                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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