Painful knee


Medicine Mind Map on Painful knee, created by rania khalil on 09/04/2017.
rania khalil
Mind Map by rania khalil, updated more than 1 year ago
rania khalil
Created by rania khalil over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Painful knee
  1. anatomy
    1. connective tissue
      1. cartilage
        1. collagen fibers
          1. pericondrium
            1. lacunae
              1. ground substance: hyaluronan, chondroitin sulfates
                1. hyaline
                  1. elastic
                    1. articular
                    1. causes
                      1. injuries
                        1. ACL injury
                          1. Patellar tendinitis
                            1. Knee bursitis
                              1. Torn meniscus
                                1. Fractures
                                2. mechanical problems
                                  1. Loose body
                                    1. Iliotibial band syndrome
                                      1. Dislocated kneecap
                                        1. Hip or foot pain
                                        2. arthritis
                                          1. Osteoarthritis
                                            1. chronic disease characterized by progressive degeneration, destruction, and loss of articular cartilage.
                                              1. pathology
                                                1. progression
                                                2. Pain, dull and deep seated
                                                  1. Stiffness of joints
                                                    1. Crepitus
                                                      1. Swelling and effusion
                                                        1. complications
                                                          1. Chondrolysis
                                                            1. Stress fractures
                                                              1. Baker’s Cyst
                                                              2. investigations
                                                                1. X ray
                                                                2. treatment
                                                                  1. pharmacological
                                                                    1. surgery
                                                                      1. total knee replacement
                                                                        1. arthroscopy
                                                                        2. stem cell injections
                                                                        3. physical examination
                                                                        4. Rheumatoid arthritis
                                                                          1. Gout
                                                                            1. Pseudogout
                                                                              1. Septic arthritis
                                                                              Show full summary Hide full summary


                                                                              Danielle Richardson
                                                                              Epithelial tissue
                                                                              Morgan Morgan
                                                                              History of Medicine: Ancient Ideas
                                                                              James McConnell
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                                                                              Neuro anatomy
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                                                                              Medical Terminology
                                                                              Respiratory anatomy
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                                                                              Neuro system
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