Keeping Healthy Revision Notes


Revision mindmap for Biology . Includes pathogen info and diet and exercise info.
Mansee Jain
Mind Map by Mansee Jain, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Josh Anderson
Created by Josh Anderson about 9 years ago
Mansee Jain
Copied by Mansee Jain almost 8 years ago
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Resource summary

Keeping Healthy Revision Notes
  1. Diet and Exercise
    1. Food Groups
      1. Proteins
        1. Meat, fish, eggs and cheese.
          1. Growth and Repair - Building cells.
          2. Fats
            1. Cheese, butter, margarine and oils.
              1. A source of energy. Cell membranes and insulating the body.
              2. Carbohydrates
                1. Potatoes, pasta, bread, bananas, sugar and rice.
                  1. A source of energy.
                  2. Minerals
                    1. Milk, Spinach
                    2. Vitamins
                      1. Lemons, Oranges and Eggs
                      2. Water
                        1. Needed to stop a person from becoming dehydrated
                          1. All Fruits
                          2. Fibre
                            1. Needed to keep the large intestine working well
                              1. Cereal, Broccoli
                            2. Poor diets can lead to deficiency diseases.
                              1. Too little vitamin D ---> Rickets (Affects growth of skeleton)
                              2. Metabolic rate
                                1. The speed at which chemical reactions take place in the body.
                                  1. Affected by:
                                    1. Age
                                      1. Inherited factors
                                        1. Muscle:Fat proportion
                                          1. Amount of physical activity
                                      2. Balanced Diet
                                        1. A Balanced Diet contains different food types in the correct amounts
                                          1. If a person eats an unbalanced diet they lack a food type which their body needs, they will suffer Malnutrition
                                            1. We need to eat fruit because it contains essential Vitamins and Minerals ( C,E and A
                                            2. Salt
                                              1. Too much salt leads to: Risk of Stroke, Risk of Heart Attack and Increase of Blood Preasure
                                              2. Respiration
                                                1. Energy allows the body to: Grow, Repair, Keep Warm, Move and Feel
                                                  1. Respiration: Is the transformation of stored chemical energy in food to useful energy to the body
                                                    1. The formula for Respiration is: Glucose + Oxygen = Carbon Dioxide + Water + Energy
                                                      1. Oxygen and Glucose needed for respiration are carried to all the cells in the blood. Glucose and Oxygen are the reactants and the Carbon Dioxide and Water are the products.
                                                  2. Route of the air
                                                    1. Air Passes through the Trachea, Reaches the Alveoli where gas exchange happens, Oxygen enters the blood and it is taken to all the cells of the body, the Carbon Dioxide leaves the blood and is carried to the lungs where it is breathed out
                                                      1. Nose, Trachea, Bronchus, Bronchioles, Alveoli
                                                        1. Gas Exchange happens in the Alveoli
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