
Mind Map on THE STUDY OF LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS, created by Andrea Mena Cogollo on 28/04/2017.
Andrea Mena Cogollo
Mind Map by Andrea Mena Cogollo, updated more than 1 year ago
Andrea Mena Cogollo
Created by Andrea Mena Cogollo over 7 years ago

Resource summary

  1. language includes the function of thinking
    1. Language functions
      1. The learner acquires basic relationships
        1. Semantic relationships
          1. agent + action + object
            1. Agent: The person, animal or thing performs an action in relationship to the object
            2. The social component
              1. as an agent in relationship to his or her own environment
              2. The cognitive component
                1. learn to think about his or her world
                2. Extended semantic relationships
                  1. expansions allow the child to use language to “refer"
                    1. allows a speaker to be specific about the message.
            3. language also represents a learner’s social and cognitive development
            4. Expanded language functions
              1. child’s communication
                1. begin as soon as a child’s cognitive development begins with the sensory input developing into patterns
              2. Displacement
                1. acts that are not seen or touched
                  1. their actions and objects that are no longer in the here-and-now helps develop the cognitive function
                2. Semanticity
                  1. increases over the life of a person
                    1. More complex meanings
                  2. Flexibility
                    1. are able to think with maximum levels of language functions
                      1. Alternative options
                    2. Productivity
                      1. students who cannot process sound into speech can learn concepts through the adult assigning meaning through writing rather than speaking
                      2. Redundancy
                        1. the speaker may try to use more words to convey a particular meaning
                          1. say one idea over and over
                            1. An increase in the concepts does increase in the role of language resulting in less external redundancy
                        2. Speech acts
                          1. rules for the context, verbal and non-verbal characteristics of the speaker’s utterance
                            1. Expanded speech acts
                              1. Propositions are important components of complex expanded speech acts
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