Marketing Dynamics 2


Marketing Dynamics 2
Sophia Richmond
Mind Map by Sophia Richmond, updated more than 1 year ago
Sophia Richmond
Created by Sophia Richmond over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Marketing Dynamics 2
  1. Interactive Marketing
    1. One to one marketing process that reacts and changes based on the actions of the customers and prospects
    2. International Marketing
      1. the application of marketing principles to more than one country
      2. Internet Marketing
        1. Marketing solely used online through email, search engines and social media
        2. Marketing
          1. The action or business of promoting and selling products or services including market research and advertising
          2. Marketing Concept
            1. The philosophy that companies need to analyze the needs of their customers and then make decisions to satisfy those needs
            2. Marketing Environment
              1. the factors and forces that affect a company's ability to build and maintain successful relationships to customers; there are three levels.
                1. Micro (Internal)- Small forces within the company that affect the ability to serve its customers
                  1. Meso- the industry in which a company operates and the market
                    1. Macro (National)-Larger societal forces that affect the microenvironment
                  2. Marketing Mix
                    1. Factors that affect whether a business is successful with their products or services. there are 4 P's, 7 P's and 4 C's
                      1. 4 P's
                        1. Price, Place, Promotion, Production
                        2. 7 P's (Service only)
                          1. Price, Place, Promotion, Production, People, Physical Evidence, Process
                          2. 4 C's
                            1. Customer Value, Cost, Convenience, Communication
                        3. Marketing Orientation
                          1. A company focused on meeting the needs and desires of it customer through it product mix.
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