AP Biology 11: CLONING


Define, give 2 methods and applications of Cloning.
Note by mollyperrigo, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by mollyperrigo almost 10 years ago

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What is cloning?Clones are organisms that are exact genetic copies.Artificial Clones:1. ARTIFICIAL EMBRYO TWINNING- A very early embryo is separated into individual cells- These then divide and develop for a short period in a petri dish before translate to surrogate. 2. SOMATIC CELL NUCLEAR TRANSFER (SCNT)- Taking DNA from a something already formed/specialized rather than embryonic cell splitting.Steps:I - a somatic cell is located and its' nucleus removedII - nucleus is removed from an egg cellIII - nucleus from somatic cell is transferred to enucleated egg.IV - cell divides in petri dish and is transplanted to surrogateApplications:MEDICINE - EXPERIMENTAL USEAGES- Cloning animals models of disease to reduce time creating transgenic animal models for study.- Cloning to make stem cells manipulated processes to help our bodies build, maintain, and repair them to help understand and treat diseases. FARMING- Cloning could be used to produce drugs for humans by inserting a gene into the DNA of cells that codes for a drug or vaccine, using SCNT by taking its nucleus and transforming it to an animal egg and developing an animal to produce that drug. Example: A cow's milk. Embryonic Stem Cells VS Adult Stem CellsEMBRYONIC -> Specialize into any cellADULT -> Make only some cell types (mainly blood cells)Therapeutic cloning is done to produce human tissues- it can begin with either adult stem cells or embryonic stem cells. Embryonic stem cells can be used for reproductive cloning- the production of a new individual. Though you can make exact copies of an organism, they do not share behaviors.

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