98 - When People are Uncertain, They Let Others Decide What to Do


Note on 98 - When People are Uncertain, They Let Others Decide What to Do, created by Grace Trimble on 21/01/2020.
Grace Trimble
Note by Grace Trimble, updated more than 1 year ago
Grace Trimble
Created by Grace Trimble about 5 years ago

Resource summary

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98 - When People are Uncertain...

People let others make decisions when they're uncertain. When people are uncertain, they rely on others opinions and behaviors to draw conclusions and act.  You can influence people's decisions if you use testimonials, ratings, and reviews.  The more information that an uncertain person has, the more influential the information will be.

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Here is a video of about the Bystander Effect, a phenomena that is a great example of people not making decisions because they believe someone else will. 

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