99 - People think Others are More Easily Influenced Than They are Themselves


Note on 99 - People think Others are More Easily Influenced Than They are Themselves, created by Grace Trimble on 22/01/2020.
Grace Trimble
Note by Grace Trimble, updated more than 1 year ago
Grace Trimble
Created by Grace Trimble about 5 years ago

Resource summary

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99 - People think Others are More Easily Influenced Than They are Themselves   Main Idea - People believe others are more influenced than they are themselves because the influence happening to them is happening unconsciously and they are unaware. Also, people like to believe that they aren't easily swayed, convinced, or gullible. 

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The Third Person Effect The belief that "others are affected but not me" " The research shows that most people think others are influenced by persuasive messages, but that they themselves are not."

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People may say that they aren't influenced by ads, reviews, etc...but that isn't the case and most people are unaware that they're being influenced.

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