Useful words to know.


Latin Note on Useful words to know., created by Joanna.M on 21/04/2013.
Note by Joanna.M, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Joanna.M over 11 years ago

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ad = to, ataddico = leadac = andabeo = go awayadeptus = having recievedadhibeo = useadiuvo = helpadoro = worshipadeo = so muchadvenio = arriveadire = go up toaedificum = buildingadsto = stand byaegar = sick, illaffero = bringager, agri = fieldago =  do, actagito = chase, huntage = comeambo = both

ambulo = walkamicitia = friendshipsurge = get uptandem = at lastpetivit = askinquit = saidaperuit = opentemplebat = trydominae = masterdura = harshfabula = story, playcallidus = clevervita = lifesenex = old maneheu = alasnam = farcolere = make friends withdoceri = teachingpossumus = we are ablecum = when, with

cur = whyveni = comehunc = hereumquam = everamor = lovecaelum, caeli = skydecipio = decieve, foolfur = thieffestinavit = hurriedprope = nearstans = standingamuletum = lucky charm, amuletaureum = gold cointenens = holdprocessit = advance, proceedmanus = handsustlit = raisedauxilium = helppetivit = begqui = who

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