Social Anxiety Disorder


400 Anxiety Disorders FlashCards sobre Social Anxiety Disorder, criado por Ellen Klerkx em 30-10-2017.
Ellen Klerkx
FlashCards por Ellen Klerkx, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Ellen Klerkx
Criado por Ellen Klerkx aproximadamente 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
DSM-5 criteria for Social Anxiety DisorderA-C A. Marked fear or anxiety about at least one social situation in which the individual is exposed to possible scrutiny by others. B. The individual fears that he/she will act in a way or show anxiety symptoms that will be negatively evaluated. C. The social situations will always provoke fear.
DSM-5 criteria for Social Anxiety Disorder D-G D. The social situations are avoided or endured with intense fear. E. The fear/anxiety is out of proportion. F. The fear/anxiety/avoidence is persistent, lasting 6 months or more. G. These symptoms cause significant distress or impairment.
Performance only (DSM-5 specifier) When fear is restricted to speaking/performing in public. More panic, less worry. More likely to have traumatic conditioning. Comorbid depression is less common. Better treatment response.
Generalized social anxiety (DSM-IV specifier) When anxiety occurs in most social situations. Based on the number of feared situations. generalized social anxiety is more severe, but not actually a distinct type.
Characteristics of social anxiety disorder Most prevalent anxiety disorder. Mean age of onset: 13 years old. Comorbid depression. 50% seeks treatment (after 15-20 years of symptoms). 50% experience remission without treatment. There might be a stressful or humulitating experience, but a specific trigger is not neccesary.
Temperament/traits associated with social anxiety disorder High shyness Low extraversion High behavioral inhibition Low positive emotionality
Bivalent Fear of Evaluation Model Fear of negative evaluation and fear of positive evaluation are both elevated.
Selective mutism Persistent failure to speak in specific social situations, despite speaking in other situations. Usually onset before 5 years of age. Can interfere with school performance & friendships. Relatively rare, associated with social anxiety disorder.


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