B1.1A - OCR


Year 11 Biology FlashCards sobre B1.1A - OCR , criado por Jaweria Khalid em 02-12-2017.
Jaweria Khalid
FlashCards por Jaweria Khalid, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Jaweria Khalid
Criado por Jaweria Khalid mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is your genome? A genome is the name given to all of the genetic material of an organism.
Why do children look a bit like their parents? But slightly different to their siblings? People inherit their genetic information from their parents. In the same way their sibling inherit the same information but in the forms of different alleles hence they look different.
Your features may be dependant on two things. What are those two things? 1) Environment - E.g. Scars 2) Inherited Genetic Information - most of your features depend on the genetic information you have inherited. E.g. Eye Colour.
But how can the environment impact your genome? Although the environment does not directly interfere with your genome the environment outside a cell can affect molecules at the cell surface, resulting in a chain reaction in the cell cytoplasm. Eventually this can affect hoe the genome information is used and affect your features. E.g. Blond hair colour
Where can genetic material be found in humans and other animals? Genetic material is found inside the Nucleus of each cell. These are called Eukaryoic organisms because they have a nucleus.
What is the name given to organisms that do not have a nucleus? Prokaryotic Organisms. They do not have a nucleus so all of their genetic material can be found floating inside the cytoplasm.
What is the name given to small loops of genetic material? Each loop is called a plasmid and they can be used in genetic engineering.
What is the genetic material stored as? It is stored as long threads called chromosomes.
How many chromosomes are found in the nucleus of a human body cell? There are 46 chromosomes in each nucleus of each cell. Chromosomes are present in pairs, so there are 23 pairs.
What are chromosomes? Chromosomes are made up of long molecules of DNA.
Who discovered DNA? DNA was discovered in 1953 by James Watson and Francis Crick. They interpreted a photograph of DNA that was taken by Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins.
DNA: DNA consists of two strands that are twisted to form a double helix. Each strand of DNA is a long molecule made up of lots of small molecules called nucleotides joined to form a chain.


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