Criado por harry_bygraves
quase 12 anos atrás
Questão | Responda |
CHOKING | The inability to perform to an athletes potential due to anxiety |
COHESION | The total field of forces that cause members to remain in a group |
CONTINUOUS TRAINING | A training method that involves working at a steady intensity over long periods |
CORE STABILITY | Training to target the core muscles |
CREATINE LOADING | Refers to the ingestion of creatine supplements to enhance anaerobic performance |
DECENTRALISED MODEL | No single agency takes control of elite sport but there is a system that supports through higher education institutions |
DRAFT SYSTEM | The US system by which top college players are recruited into professional leagues |
D.O.M.S | Delayed onset musclular soreness |
E.P.O.C | Excess post exercise oxygen consumtion |
ERGOGENIC AIDS | A substance or device that enhances energy prodcution, use or recovery, and provides athletes with competitive advantage |
FARTLEK | Varying training intensity to stress aerobic and anaerobic conditions |
FATIGUE | A reduced capacity to complete work brought about by a lack of ocygen, energy or muscle tiredness |
GOAL SETTING | An objective or target that athletes set themselves to increase |
HYDRATION | A physiological state of optimal water balance |
HYPOXIC CHAMBERS | A training module to enhance aerobic performance |
INTERVAL TRAINING | Training based on a W:R |
LACTATE THRESHOLD | The point at which lactate starts to accumilate in blood stream more quickly than it can be removed |
MOTIVATION | The mechanisms and external stimuli that arouse and direct our behaviour |
PERFECT MODEL | The recognised and accepted way of exceuting a given skill or performance |
PERFORMANCE PROFILING | The process by which athletes identify aspects of their training to concentrate on |
PERIODISATION | Splitting training into periods in order to focus on specific objectives |
PLYOMETRICS | A type of power training where muscles undergo eccentric to concentric contractions |
PRE-MATCH CAMP | Used as a training facility prior to sports competitions |
RITUAL | A rountine to help athletes prepare before competition |
SAQ TRAINING | Speed, agility, quickness training to target neuromuscular system |
SCANNING | Visual perception technique when an individual attends to many aspects in their field of vision |
SELF-EFFICACY | Self confidence in a specific situation |
STRETCHING | Training to improve or maintain muscle elasticity and flexibility or to prevent injury |
ACCLIMATISATION | The process by whcih athletes prepare by becoming used to different enviroments. |
ANXIETY | A natural reaction to a threat in the enviroment |
ATTRIBUTION THEORY | An approach that attempts to categorise the reasons we give for winning or losing |
BLOOD DOPING | The process of boosting the number of red blood cells to enhance aerobic performance |
CARB LOADING | A method to boost the amount of glycogen in the body before a competition |
CENTERAL GOVERNOR THEORY | Refers to the theory that fatigue is an emotional response that begins in the brain and not in the muscles |
CENTRALISED MODEL | Elite sports are supported directly by the state e.g. EG |
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