Exercise Science


Exercise Science FlashCards sobre Exercise Science, criado por Tameka em 06-06-2013.
FlashCards por Tameka, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por Tameka mais de 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Anatomy of a long bone Epiphysis End of the bone, largerly cancellous
Anatomy of a long bone Epiphyseal Cartlidge growth found in the epiphysis. Replaced by cancellous bone at 16-20 female and 18-20 male
Anatomy of a long bone Diaphysis Shaft of the long bone. Consists of campact bone, with the central cavity called the medullary cavinty
Anatomy of a long bone Medullary cavity Used as a fat storage site. Yellow bone marrow cavity
Anatomy of a long bone Articualr cavity Found where bones meet. Prevents jaring and allows bone to move freely over each joint
Anatomy of a long bone Articualr cavity Found where bones meet. Prevents jaring and allows bone to move freely over each joint
Anatomy of a long bone Periostium Outer sheath of the bone, does not cover the articaulr cartilidge
Spongy/ cancellous Strong, light, honeycombed apperance. Found in the epiphysis it acts as a cousioning
Anatomy of a long bone Compact bone Heavy denses and strong found in diaphysis
What are the three basic functions of a muscle Create heat Provide Movement Posture
What are the three types of muscles tissue Skeletal Smooth Cardiac
Describe skeletal muscles Cover the skeleton gives the body shape Attached to bone by tendon Volunatary Striated having a cylindical stripped apperance Generate heat
Smooth Muscles Found in the walls of internal organs with hallow cavities Involuntary Non-striared do not have a striped cylindrical apperance
What are the 6 major locations of smooth muscle Blood Vessels Resp system Digestive system Urinary Systemem The eye Reproductive system
Cardiac msucle Found only in the heart Involunatary
Define the muscle tissue properties Contractibility- have the ability to change shape becasues of stimuli (usually shortening) Provide force -create tension and movement
Slow twitch muscles Known are red type 1 fibres (red becasues of myoglobin) Slow contraction time 80-100 ms to reach maximal tension Low force of contraction Faligues slowly High use of aerobic energy More mitocondira and high capilary density
Fast twitch muscle fibres Known as white High contractibility time 40-90ms Fatigues quickly High force of contraction there are 2 types Fast 2a- posses patially aerobic chacteristics Fast 2b- posses anerobic chacteristics
List the 3 types of joints Fiborus Cartiliginous Synovial
Define a fibourus joint and give and example No movement The skull
Define a Cartiliginous joint and give an example Slight movement between the ribs and sternum, the vertabrae
Define a synovial joint and the 2 types of movement Freely moving Gliding linear movement Angular movement
Gliding linear movent Surfaces slide against each other Most common joint Intercarpel joint, stenum and clavicle and carpels and metacarpels
Define the therer angular movement supgroups Uniaxial, biaxial and multiaxial
Define a hinge joint Movement occurs on one axis can flex and extend eg. Knee, elbow and ankle
Define an ellipsoid joint and give an example Flex and extend, abduction and adduction. Movement occurs of 2 axis. Wrist
Define an ellipsoid joint and give an example Flex and extend, abduction and adduction. Movement occurs of 2 axis. Wrist
Define an condyloid joint and give an example Flex and extend, abduction and adduction. Movement occurs of 2 axis. Metacarpel and phlanges
Define a saddel joint and give an example Flex and extend, abduction and adduction. Movement occurs of 2 axis. Base of the thumb
Define a ball and socket joint and give an example Rotate around on all three axies Hip and shoulder


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