Theories and Frames of Reference


Fundamentals of Occupational Therapy (Theories and Frames of Reference) FlashCards sobre Theories and Frames of Reference, criado por Robin Decker em 30-10-2018.
Robin Decker
FlashCards por Robin Decker, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Robin Decker
Criado por Robin Decker quase 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Theory An Organized way of thinking about something. In OT, this "something" is human occupation.
Theory continued... Defines and explains a relationship between concepts and ideas concerning occupation. Theories "predict" events or behaviors regarding occupation.
Why are Theories Important? 1. Used as foundation for developing guidelines for practice. 2. Establish profession has unique body of knowledge. 3. Facilitates growth in profession via research/evidence. 4. Defines area of expertise of professionals. 5. Demonstrates distinte approach to health by OT practitioners - shows how we are Different!
Core Values of OT Profession 1. Holistic approach 2. Mind & Body influence each other 3. Consider person's Culture 4. Consider where person is in Lifespan 5. Engaging in OCCUPATIONS supports health/wellness
Occupation Based Models Incorporate all areas of OT practice - explain relationship between: occupation person environment
Occupation Based Models continued... Prime Focus: Person, Environment, Occupation Examples: MOHO, PEOP, Occupational Adaptation and CMOP
OT Based Model Assumptions **All models** Occupation = basic human need Essential to human life Organizes behavior Gives meaning to life Enables healthy lifestyle Improves quality of life
Canadian Model of Occupational Performance (CMOP) Environment: social, cultural, physical, institutional Occupation: self care, leisure, productivity Person: cognitive, physical, affective, spirituality
Canadian Model of Occupational Performance (CMOP) What makes it different? Spirituality - self motivating, self-worth, self-determined Person feels connection w/environment
PEOP: Person-Environment-Occupation-Performance


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