A Level Physical Education - Warm Up/Cool Downs


FlashCards sobre A Level Physical Education - Warm Up/Cool Downs, criado por Czean Holgado em 14-02-2019.
Czean Holgado
FlashCards por Czean Holgado, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Czean Holgado
Criado por Czean Holgado mais de 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Why do we warm up? -to prepare the body physiologically and psychologically -reduce the risk of injury -delay fatigue
What is a response? -body changing to meet the demands of physical activity e.g increased HR - this only lasts as long as the duration of the activity
What is an adaptation? -After an extended period of training, the body systems change to meet the demands placed upon it e.g lower resting HR due to cardiac hypertrophy
What are the benefits of a warm up to the skeletal system? -Skeletal flexibility improves the range of motion possible at a joint or series of articulation. -Synovial fluid production increases - this provides the articular surfaces with nutrients and oxygen, thus reducing friction between joints
What are the benefits of a warm up to the muscular system? -faster speed of contraction and relaxation of the muscle fibres due to an increase in muscle temperature -increase in speed and strength of contraction due to an increase in enzyme activity in warmer muscle fibres -faster speed of contraction due to increased speed of nerve transmission to the muscle -greater strength of contraction due to improved elasticity of muscle fibres -reduced risk of injury due to an increase in blood flow and oxygen to muscles -Prepares tendons to improve the stability and contractile activity of skeletal muscles
What are the responses of the cardiac system to exercises? -increase in HR -increase in stroke volume -increased cardiac output
What is the equation to find cardiac output? HR x SV = Q (cardiac output)
What are the respiratory responses to exercise? -increase in rate and depth of breathing -increase in tidal volume (volume of air taken in per breath) -increase in minute ventilation (volume of air taken in per minute)
What is the equation for minute ventilation? TV x BR = MV
What are the responses of the circulatory system to exercise? -increased cardiac output -increased venus return (volume of blood returning to the heart per minute) -vascular shunt process
What should a warm up be? -Warm ups should be specific to the activity and include exercises which prepare the muscles to be used and progressively activate the energy systems required for that activity. -FUN
Name the 4 stages of a warm up in chronological order. -Initial Preparation -Injury Prevention -Skills Practice -Sports Specific Exercises
What are the aims of initial preparation? -release of adrenaline -heat generation -dilation of blood vessels -increased ventilation, which speeds up oxygen delivery.
What does injury prevention consist of? -A range of stretches specific to the performer and activity - such as active static stretches, dynamic stretches, ballistic stretches.
What is skills practice? Give a sporting example. -activity that increases speed of reactions e.g sprints, footwork practice, high knees -A netball player may complete a small run around the court, with varying pace and direction.
What are Sport Specific Exercises? -These are activities performed at match intensity, or with specific equipment and set plays. E.g a tennis player may practise all their strokes and serves
What are the benefits to doing sport-specific exercises-? -confidence is developed -performance is aided - simulates game situations.


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