Latin Chapter 29 Flash Cards


Latin Flashcards form chapter 29 of Latin Alive
Charis Guilford
FlashCards por Charis Guilford, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Charis Guilford
Criado por Charis Guilford quase 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Diēs, Diēī Day (Feminine used for an appointed or set day) Noun, Feminine/Masculine, 5th Declension
Faciēs, Faciēī Face, Appearance Noun, Feminine, 5th Declension
Fidēs, Fideī Faith, Trust Noun, Feminine, 5th Declension
Rēs, Reī Thing, Matter, Affair, State Noun, Feminine, 5th Declension
Rēs Pūblica, Reī Pūblicae State, Republic Noun, Feminine, 5th Declension
Spēs, Speī Hope Noun, Feminine, 5th Declension
Voluntās, Voluntātis Will, Wish Noun, Feminine, 3rd Declension
Ago, Agere, Ēgī, Āctum To do, Drive, Act Verb, 3rd Conjugation
Dīmittō, Dīmittere, Dīmīsī, Dīmissum To send away, Dismiss Verb, 3rd Conjugation
Permittō, Permittere, Permīsī, Permissum To permit, Allow Verb, 3rd Conjugation
Cīvīlis, Cīvīle Civil Adjective
Dignus, Digna, Dignum Worthy Adjective
Fessus, Fessa, Fessum Tired Adjective


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