Speaking and listening prompts


A quick speaking and listening activity where learners are invited to make questions to suit the answers. Used in an entry level class.
Dawn Potter
FlashCards por Dawn Potter, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Dawn Potter
Criado por Dawn Potter mais de 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
? If 42 is the answer, what is the question?
? If Barack Obama is the answer, what is the question?
? If London is the answer, what is the question?
? If French is the answer, what is the question?
? If Courtney Cox is the answer, what is the question?
? If 365 is the answer, what is the question?
? If Ed Sheeran is the answer, what is the question?
? If football is the answer, what is the question?


Abordagens Psicológicas
Alda Bezerra
Biologia e Geologia - Biologia 11ºano, parte III - Ensino Secundário Português
Heres Oliveira
Direito Adiministrativo
Katiusce Cunha
Phrasal Verbs - Inglês #8
Eduardo .
Leis de Newton.
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Engenharia de Software
Gabriel Alexandre
Períodos da História do Brasil
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Igor -
Conhecimentos Gerais
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Learning English listening, Reading, talking and writing
Organização Básica da Marinha
Alan Amanthea