Pharmacology Term 2


BVMS CAS FlashCards sobre Pharmacology Term 2, criado por Marielle83 em 19-01-2015.
FlashCards por Marielle83, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por Marielle83 mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Which drugs makes up the CHOP chemo protocol? C - Cyclophosphamide H - Doxorubicin O - Vincristine P - Prednisolone
Which of the CHOP drugs are contraindicated in cardiac disease? Doxorubicin
What 3 groups of drugs are used in the treatment of bradycardia? Muscarinic antagonists Beta-agonists Methylxanthines
What AARD's are used in the treatment of tachycardia? Class 1: Sodium channel blockers Class 2: Beta-blockers Class 3: Potassium channel blockers Class 4: Calcium channel blockers Digoxin (cardiac glycoside)
Which are the broad spectrum antifungal drug groups available in vet medicine? Azoles Polyenes
MOA for Griseofulvin? Inhibits fungal growth! Desposited in newly formed keratin, inhibits mitosis, disorganise spindle microtubules.
MOA for Antimetabolites? Disrupts protein synthesis: Converted in fungal body to 5-fluorouracil which is confused by the fungus for uracil --> rubbish message created
The 4 groups of antiviral drugs used in vet medicine. 1. Ion channel blockers 2. Reverse transcriptase inhibitors 3. DNA polymerase inhibitors 4. Neuraminidase inhibitors
Zidovudine (AZT) - a reverse transcriptase inhibitor is active against what virus? Retrovirus
Amandatine - an ion channel blocker, is active against what type of virus? Influenza A
Spectrum of activity of Benzimidazoles? Broad; also larvidical and ovicidal
MOA of Imidazothiazoles? Ganglion stimulant; nicotinic agonist Paralyse nematode by sustained muscular contraction
MOA of Macrolytic Lactones? Stimulate glutamate gated Cl-channels in invertebrate nerve and muscle cells - Cl influx causes hyperpolarisation of post-synaptic cells - flaccid paralysis
MOA of the fluke drug Salicylanide? Uncouples OxPhos
Ivermectin is an example of what class of drugs? Macrolytic Lactones
Spectrum of action for Ivermectin? All major GI + lung nematodes in ruminants, horses and swine GI nematodes and heart worms in dogs
Organophosphate side effects are DUMBELS, what does this stand for? Diarrhoea, Urination, Mitosis, Bronchoconstriction, Emesis, Lacrimation, Salivation
Why would Atropine work as an antidote for organophosphates? Atropine is a muscarinic receptor antagonist
20% of all ectoparasiticides in the UK are Pyrethroids, what is its mode of action? Binds to and holds pre-synaptic sodium channels open so that the nerve cannot reset itself
What do Organophosphates and Carbamides have in common? Their mode of action - both inhibit cholinesterase
Benzoyl Urea Derivatives are a group of ectoparasiticides, what is its mode of action and where does its selective toxicity stem from? Inhibits chitin synthetase in fleas Mammals lack this enzyme
The newest product on the ectoparasiticide market is Metaflumizone, what is its mode of action? Blocks voltage gated sodium channels - leading to parasite paralysis


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