20. People remember only four items at once.


Summary of Chapter 20 in COMMENTS.
Kathie Connelly
FlashCards por Kathie Connelly, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Kathie Connelly
Criado por Kathie Connelly mais de 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Who wrote the phase “the magical number seven, plus or minus two”? George A. Miller (1956) who wrote a research paper showing people can remember from five to nine things at once.
People are able to hold ____ to ____ things in working memory as long as they aren’t distracted and their processing of information is not interfered with. Three; Four.
People can remember ___% of four to six items in a category. 80.
When there were 80 items in the category to remember. What was the percentage remembered? 20%
Donald Broadbent (1975) asked people to recall items in different categories. What were some of the examples? The Seven Dwarfs, the seven colors of the rainbow, the countries of Europe, and the names of current shows on TV.


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