Basics: Phonetics and Phonology


FlashCards sobre Basics: Phonetics and Phonology, criado por libell em 26-02-2015.
FlashCards por libell, atualizado more than 1 year ago
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Questão Responda
Phonetics is concerned with how sounds are produced, transmitted and perceived
phonology is concerned with how sounds function in relation to eachother in a language
segmentals are individual speech sounds and phonemes, manner sounds, place sounds, voicing sounds
suprasegmentals a suprasegmental is a vocal effect that extends over more than one sound segment in an utterance: pitch, stress or juncture pattern.
phoneme is a basic unit of a language's phonology : the smallest conctrastive unit which may bring about a change of meaning.
an allophone a phonetic variant of a phoneme in a particular language
phonetics Acoustics, Auditory, Articulatory
What is the difference between standard GenAm and RP? Rp uses more diphtongization
What kind of intonation do question tags have? rising and falling
How would you best define a vowel sound? A sound made by positioning the tongue and lips
fortis articulations ( consonats)= produced with relatively great amount of muscular energy....the voiceless stops are normally fortis articulations.
Coelescence Don`t you /dəʊnt ju/ > / dəʊntʃu/ Would you /wʊd ju/ > /wʊdʒu/ the alveolar plosives /t/ and /d/ may merge with a following palatal approximant /j/ to become post-alveolar affricates (/t ʃ/ and /dʒ/ respectively)
regressive assimilation Is she / ɪz ʃi/ > /ɪʒ ʃi Dress shop /dres ʃɒp/ > /dreʃ ʃɒp/
Is she / ɪz ʃi/ > /ɪʒ ʃi Dress shop /dres ʃɒp/ > /dreʃ ʃɒp/ The alveolar fricatives /s z/ may become post-alveolar fricatives without altering their voicing when followed by a palatal approximant (/j/) or a post-alveolar fricative (/ʃ ʒ/). thus /s/ may become / ʃ/ and /z/ may become /ʒ/.
Alveolar stop regressive place assimilation Front garden /frʌnt gɑ:dn/ > /frʌŋk gɑ:dn/ Couldn`t be /kʊdnt bi/ > /kʊbmp bi/
Alveolar fricative regressive place assimilation Is she / ɪz ʃi/ > /ɪʒ ʃi Dress shop /dres ʃɒp/ > /dreʃ ʃɒp/
Alveolar syllabic nasal progressive place assimilation Open /əʊpən/ > /əʊpn/ > / əʊpm/ Bacon /beɪkən/ > /beɪkn/ > /beɪkŋ/


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