Applied Decision support


Board Exam ClinicalDecisionSupport (CDS) FlashCards sobre Applied Decision support, criado por Michael Riben em 08-10-2013.
Michael Riben
FlashCards por Michael Riben, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Michael Riben
Criado por Michael Riben quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What are the key components of CDS? Knowledge base Patient Specific Information MOde of communication btw two
what are the 4 types of control interventions with CDS? PRe-emptive, Suppressible, Hard-stop, and Interruptive
Give examples of delivery mechanisms of CDS in EHR's Template, summaries, reminders, correct errors, recommend care plan change, suggest care plan steps etc..
What are the different levels of interruptiveness on-demand, in-line/background ( modeless) , or popup/modal
list two types of advanced CDS applications Guideline Modeling and Rule based expert systems
list two types of advanced CDS applications Guideline Modeling and Rule based expert systems
What are the 5 rights of CDS? Right information -knowledgebases Right Person- target of Cds Right Format -Right Format Right "channel" - Mode of CDS Right time - Workflow INtegration
what is the restrictive definition of Clinical decision support? an electronic system that provides structured guidance based on patient specific inputs - expert system, alerts
What is the less restrictive definition of CDS Any electronic "tool" that reduces the cognitive burden of patient care in EHR = order sets, data visualization, etc
What is the textbook definition of clinical decision support intervention? active knowledge systems which use two more items of patient data to generate specific advice
what are example functions of CDS? Alerting, Reminding, Critiquing, interpreting, predicting, diagnosing, and suggesting
What are the 10 commandments for effective CDS?
what are the four predictors of improved practice ? 1) provision CDS as part of clinical workflow 2) recommend, not just asses 3) provision cds at time/location of decision 4) computer based decision support
what is the curly braces problem? all the local data calls are isolated to each institution so the MLM is not really easily implemented or portable to site to site
what has been developed to address the Curly Braces problem? SMART of FHIR and FHIR


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