Geography Vocabulary (Flash Cards)


Geography flash cards for my Geography final
Karli Słomka
FlashCards por Karli Słomka, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Karli Słomka
Criado por Karli Słomka mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Deep and wide enough to allow ships to pass Navigable
Hot dry winds from Northern Africa that blow over southeastern Spain Siroccos
A center point of concentrated activity and influence Hub
Having many earthquakes and volcanic erruptions Seismically Active
A great period of art and learning that started in Italy in the 1300's and spread throughout Europe Renaissance
A people's sense of what makes them a nation National Identity
A section of a city in which a particular minority group is forced to live as a result of either economic or social pressures Ghetto
The execution of 6 million Jews in Nazi concentration camps during World War II Holocaust
A revolution without bloodshed that occurred in Czechoslovakia in the late 1980's Velvet Revolution
The process of selling government-owned industries and businesses to private owners Privatization
Government-owned farms where workers are paid by the government and share the profits from their products Collective Farms
A layer of soil just below the earth's surface that stays permanently frozen Permafrost
In the former Soviet Union, any one of various governing councils that made decisions at various levels Soviet
An economic system in which the government dictates what goods will be manufactured Command Economy
The production of goods such as steel and machinery used by other industries Heavy Industry
A Russian word meaning "Openness"; in the former Soviet Union, a policy allowing citizens to do and say what they wished Glasnost
A Russian word meaning "A turning about"; in the former Soviet Union, a policy of economic restructuring Perestroika
Peoples who are outnumbered by members of another, dominant, culture in their republics Eithnic Minorities
The intentional destruction of a people Genocide
The desire of a cultural group to rule themselves as a separate nation Nationalism
Huge portable tents that nomadic herders in central Asia live in Yurts
Land to be governed on behalf of the League of Nations until it was ready for independence Mandate
Member of a movement founded to promote the establishment of an independent Jewish state in Palestine Zionist
The right to decide your own political future Self-Determination
Without religious influence Secular
Past ruler of Iran Shah
A religious leader among Shiite Muslims Ayatollah
An ethnic minority in Turkey Kurds
Egyptian farmers who grow crops without the aid of modern machinery Fellaheen
A traditional Arab open-air market Bazaar
The rulers of ancient Egypt Pharaoh
Money that is invested in building and supporting new industries Capital
Form of irrigation where farmers build walls around their fields to trap flood water and silt Basin Irrigation
Artificial lake behind a dam Reservoir
A system for providing additional water to crops year-round Perennial Irrigation
Dry riverbeds and sharp gullies across the North African Desert that catch and temporarily hold water from sudden downpours Wadi
Large groups of merchants who have joined together to travel the desert in safety Caravans
The older Arab sections of North African cities that are usually centered around mosques Medinas
North African market areas in a medina Souks


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