Unit 2 Flashcards


Unit 2 Flashcards
w q
FlashCards por w q, atualizado more than 1 year ago
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Criado por w q mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Arcing Sparks caused by putting microwaving metal BW
Bake To cook food uncovered in the oven BW
Balanced Meal A variety of foods that provide proper nutrition BW
Beat To mix air vigorously into a mixture BW
Blender A tool with a base, container and blades to cut/liquefy food BW
Boil To heat a liquid at a high temperature until bubbles rise and break on the surface BW
Burner Heat travels through coils to cook food BW
Chop To cut food into small pieces BW
Cream To beat shortening or another fat into sugar until it is light and fluffy BW
Cut In To mix solid fat with a dry ingredient using a cutting motion BW
Dice/Cut To cut food into uniform cubes BW
Dietary Guidelines Science-based recommendations from USDA and HHS that urge people to live a healthier, more active lifestyle BW
Dry Measuring Cups Used to measure dry ingredients/solid food BW
Eating Pattern Food choices made over the course of a day BW
Expiration Date The last day a food should be eaten BW
Flatware Fork, knife, teaspoon BW
FDA Ensures safety of food excluding meat, eggs, and poultry BW
Generic Brand Not a name brand BW
Grate To cut finely into pieces using a grater BW
Knead To press dough using the heels of your hands BW
Legumes Dry peas/beans BW
Level Drag a straight-edge spatula over a measuring cup BW
Liquid Measuring Cup Transparent cup with a spout for measuring liquids BW
Measuring Spoons Used to measure small amounts of liquids/dry ingredients BW
Microwave Standing Time Time right after cooking where heat causes food to continue to cook BW
Mix/Blend To combine ingredients until the mixture has a uniform appearance BW
National Name Brand A name brand product sold across the nation BW
Nutrient Dense Food Food that provides large amounts of nutrients to calories BW
Pare/Peel To remove the skin from a fruit/veggie BW
Place Setting Where utensils should be set on a table BW
Recycle An item that is adapted to a new use BW
Renewable Resources Resources that can be replenished quickly BW
Sauté Cooking small pieces of food over low-medium heat with a small amount of fat BW
Sell/Pull Date Date at which food should last be sold BW
Sift To shake or pull through a wire strainer to add air/remove lumps BW
Simmer To heat liquid just below boiling point BW
Softened To bring butter, margarine or cream cheese to room temperature BW
Solid Fats Butter, margarine, shortening BW
Steam Cooking food over the boiling water in a pan BW
Unit Price Price per unit on an item BW
USDA Agency that enforces standards for the quality and wholesomeness of meat, poultry and eggs BW


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