Sources of wisdom and authority


FlashCards sobre Sources of wisdom and authority, criado por Thomas Woodcock em 31-12-2021.
Thomas Woodcock
FlashCards por Thomas Woodcock, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Thomas Woodcock
Criado por Thomas Woodcock quase 3 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What are three sources of authority that Christians can use? the bible, the church and Jesus
What is propositional revelation? Propositional revelation is that the bible is the word of God revealed to humans
What are some reasons why the bible should NOT be taken literally? No evidence, outdated and incorrect ideas, morally wrong, lots of contradictions
What are some reasons why the bible should be taken literally? we don't have the authority to interpret it, means by which we get into heaven, Sola scriptura and sola fide
What is divine command theory? DCT is the idea that we must do what God says because it is said by god
What is the Euthyphro Dilemma? The Euthyphro dilemma says why should we do what god says, is it because he says to be right or because he knows it to be right
What is verbal inspiration? Verbal inspiration is the idea that every word in the bible is from God
2 Timothy 3:16? All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness
What is sola scriptura? scripture alone
Which books did Martin Luther remove from the bible? The wisdom books, they are more philosophical
What is hard authority? Hard authority is the status of law
What are some problems with the literalist approach? contradictions translation and copying errors outdated, death for most things immoral
What are conservative Christians? conservative Christians wish to conserve the truths in the bible such as Roman Catholics
What is divine inspiration? Scripture was written down under inspiration from God
What is Propositional revelation? God revealed truth and facts about himself to the authors who wrote it down, so it needs interpreting what is from God and what is from the author
What does the idea of propositional revelation take into account? the author's intention, culture and circumstance
What is apostolic succession? the idea that the successors to Peter have divine authority to interpret the bible
Where does the idea of apostolic succession come from and what does it do? Gives the power of interpretation of scripture in Matthew 28 18-20
What is an example of Apostolic succession? Augustine interpreting Genesis to get the idea of original sin
What do Neo-orthodox Christians reject about the bible? They reject the inerrancy of the bible as they recognise the historical inaccuracies and contradictions
What does Barth think about the bible? That it is Gods attempt to reach us and other religions are humanities attempt the reach god
What is soft authority? a source of knowledge
How did God reveal himself for Barth? through Jesus, not scripture, we can experience god through scripture
What do Quakers believe about the bible? that it is not the word of God but a very inspirational book, but not the only one so they look to others to guide them in life


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