confidence tips


the most important lessons I learned in my puberty to be a more self-confident person.
Bich Ngoc Luu
FlashCards por Bich Ngoc Luu, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Bich Ngoc Luu
Criado por Bich Ngoc Luu aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

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- CONFIDENCE TIPS - "Your life should be a story you are excited to tell. Be courage, be confident, be assertive."
Confidence doesn’t come from motivational speech or blind hope, but from my effort to train hard even when I feel bad, consistently. I’m responsible for improving my performance. I never blame circumstances. I gain confidence by improving the results. Serial killers and Psychopaths have charisma that’s born from an unshakable sense of self-confidence. They feel free to be themselves. We don’t want to make demands, because we are embarassed. The Psychopath isn’t held back by these insecurities, so he gets what he wants. It’s OK to be an asshole.
You can do the very best when you are completely relaxed. Enjoy what you do and have fun with it.We and everything we do will one day be forgotten. Nobody will care. So do things and make things. There’s no reason not to be someone you want to be. Just stand up for what you believe. People may disagree, but people will respect. Surround yourself with people who are self-assured.
Be ok with doing something stupid/embarassing, as long as you can learn something from it. When we seek the gaze/approval of other people, we are turning away from the person we ourselves could have become. Dont wait to be called to show up. People respond to action. Just do things. The power shifts. People follow who acts as if he is right, not who is the smartest.
Be comfortable with everything (toxic people, failure, hurt, rejection, negative feelings..) Keep a list of your achievements and review whenever you feel down.
Powerful people are more inspired by themselves than anybody else. They don‘t expect others to fulfill their needs. They become their own best friend and idol. They are always the 1st to take action. Power increase confidence = increase the ability to attract others. You can never reach perfection, so don’t fear it. Secret to be confident = be corfortable with what you potentially lack.
When someone do or say things that bother your emotional flow  accept it or forget it, make it less important, don’t hang on it for long. Be so in control of yourself that, whether things are going well or badly, nobody can accuse you of being perturbed and all can admire your superiority. Don’t be uneven, or inconsistent in your actions. Choose a heroic model, more to emulate than to imitate.


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