Spinal colum, muscles and nerves


Biomedical Engineers
Alexandra Vollenweider
FlashCards por Alexandra Vollenweider, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Alexandra Vollenweider
Criado por Alexandra Vollenweider aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Parts of the spinal column name, way its bent, # vertebrae, description (e.g.: X1-4) vertebra - cervicales -> lordosis, 7, C1-7 -thoracales -> kyphosis, 12, T1-12 -lumbales -> lordosis, 5, L1-5 -sacrales -> kyphosis, 5, S1-5 -coccygeales -> 3-5, Co1-5
scoliosis pathological lateral curve #2
hyper - lordosis/kyphosis hypo - lordosis/kyphosis over - Hohlkreuz/Buckel (swayback)/(humpback) under - flatback/?
corpus vertebrae body of the vertebra (Wirbel)
arcus vertebrae arch
processus spinosus spine
pediculus pedicle
foramen vertebrale spinal foramen: hollow
canalis vertebralis bony hollow archway formed by all foramen vertebrale together
dura membrane surrounding spinal cord and nerve roots
processus transversus
facies articularis sup./inf. on upper and lower side
incisura vertebralis sup./inf. vertebral noches
foramen transversale "holes" in vertebra cervicales
Atlas C1 first neck vertebra
atlas C1: arcus ant. et post.
atlas C1: massa lateralis bulky and solid parts to support the weight of the head with each two articular facets (superior/inferior)
atlanto-axial joint allows head rotation of up to 50°
Axis C2: dens axis
Axis C2: ligamentum transversum
C7 vertebra prominens large spine (palpable,visible)
Sacrum Promonotorium Crista mediana
discus intervertebralis Bandscheibe
annulus fibrosus lamellar structure of fibrocartilage (type I&II collagen)
nucleus pulposus gel-like center even pressure distribution
Ligamentum longitudinale anterior green
ligamentum flavium yellow
ligamentum longitudinale posterior
musculi dorsi proprii = M. erector spinae deep vertebral muscles, autochthon
musculus trapezius
musculus latissimus
musculi serratus posterior superior elevates ribs
musculi serratus posterior inferior depresses ribs
medulla spinalis spinal cord
conus medullaris L1/2 end of spinal cord
cauda equina
nervi spinales nn. cervicales I - VIII nn. thoracici I-XII nn. lumbales I-V nn.sacrales I-V
nn. cervicales I - VIII
nn. thoracici I-XII
nn. lumbales I-V
nn.sacrales I-V


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