Criado por adamharries
mais de 11 anos atrás
Questão | Responda |
Inputs | Goods Energy Water |
Operations | Production Maintenance Transport |
Outputs | Product Pollution Waste |
The Pollution Process | Source Pathway Target |
Source (example) | accidental discharge of milk from a dairy |
Pathway (example) | drainage system to river |
Target | fish in river |
The main cause of air pollution | the burning of fossil fuels |
Water pollution sources can be categorised as... | point sources or non-point sources |
The main land pollution issues are... | Contamination from industrial use; and Land filling of waste |
In its broadest context waste is... | any input into a business that does not directly contribute to the manufactured product or delivered service |
The narrower, legal definition of waste is... | any substance or object that is to be discarded either because it is not useable or because it has reached the end of its useful life |
Waste Management Hierarchy... | Prevent Reduce Reuse Recover Dispose |
An effective EMS has many business benefits including... | Ensuring legal compliance; Improved management of environmental risks; Improved business performance, e.g. cost savings from improved waste management; General enhancement of business reputation. |
A certified EMS can offer benefits including... | Improving stakeholder confidence that the EMS meets requirements; Third party / independent view - giving increased assurance on approach; and Influence the approach taken to enforcement under the environmental permitting regime. |
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