Chapter 20 Flashcards


PSYB65 FlashCards sobre Chapter 20 Flashcards, criado por andreaarose em 14-12-2013.
FlashCards por andreaarose, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por andreaarose quase 11 anos atrás

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Unconscious interference Processes outside of awareness, nonconscious brain processes
Six basic emotions Anger, fear, disgust, surprise, happiness, sadness.
Affect Conscious subjective feeling about a stimulus
Components of emotion Physiology, distinctive motor behavior, self-reported cognition, unconscious behavior
Bard Decorticated dogs showed rage behavior, emotional responses depend on the diencephalon
Early studies Cortex inhibited emotional responses of the thalamus and hypothalamus
Papez Limbic lobe is the basis of emotion, limbic structures act on the hypothalamus to produce emotional states
Klüver-Bucy Syndrome Results from bilateral removal of the amygdala and inferior temporal cortex
Symptoms of Klüver-Bucy Syndrome Tameness and loss of fear, autoerotic, activity, hypermetamorphosis, examination of objects by mouth, visual agnosia
Production of affective behaviour Left side bias in production of facial expressions of emotion, RH specialization for interpreting nonverbal behavior
Vision and perceiving relevant stimuli Left visual field superiority in the identification of facial affect, films are more unpleasant and produce greater ANS activation when presented to the right hemisphere
Audition and perception of relevant stimuli Left ear advantage for the identification of emotional tone of voice
Limbic system Amygdala and prefrontal cortex especially important for emotion
Amygdala Input from all sensory systems, multimodal cells, sensitive to threatening or dangerous stimuli
Somatic marker hypothesis Confronted with a stimulus, the brain and body change, reductions in body reactions lead to reduced intensity of emotion, fundamental to survival
Cognitive emotional interactions Emotion enhances survival and is interrelated with cognition, uses fear conditioning as a model system, circuits in the amygdala interact with cortical circuits to influence affective behavior
RH cognitive asymmetry and emotion Right hemisphere more engaged in automatic components of emotion - generates feelings.
LH cognitive asymmetry and emotion Plays a role in the cognitive control of emotion - interprets feelings.
LH lesions and emotions Lead to flattened mood
Anterior lesions and emotions Reduce facial expressions
Left frontal lesions and emotion Decrease talking
RH lesions Creates aprosodia, deficits in comprehension and judgment of emotion.
Aprosodia Inability of a person to properly convey or interpret emotional tone
Right frontal lobe lesions Produce impairments in understanding and using humor, impaired on facial expression tests
Right temporal lobe personality Obsessive
Left temporal lobe personality Personal destiny
Understanding other's actions Biological motion and mirror neurons
Biological motion Through cells of the STS.
Mirror neurons Found in the premotor cortex
Theory of mind Ability to attribute mental states to self and others
Neural regions active during social judgment Frontal lobe, amygdala, STS cortex
Generation of the self Right frontoparietal network and cortical midline network
Right frontoparietal network Recognition of our own face.
Cortical midline network Monitor psychological states in others and the self


Frontal lobes
The Occipital Lobes
Occipital Lobes
Parietal lobes
Temporal Lobes Flashcards
Temporal lobes
Parietal Lobes Flashcards
Motor Functions Flashcards
Frontal Lobes Flashcards
Sensory systems
Motor Functions