Temporal Lobes Flashcards


PSYB65 FlashCards sobre Temporal Lobes Flashcards, criado por andreaarose em 17-12-2013.
FlashCards por andreaarose, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por andreaarose aproximadamente 11 anos atrás

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Connections of the temporal cortex Afferent projections from sensory systems. Efferent Projections to the parietal and frontal association regions, limbic system, and basal ganglia. Left and right connected via corpus callosum and anterior commissure
Temporal lobe function Processing auditory input, visual object recognition, long-term storage of information
Sensory processes Identification and categorization of stimuli and cross modal matching.
Affective responses Emotional response is associated with a particular stimulus
Spatial navigation Associated with the hippocampus
STS and biological motion Activation in the STS during perception of biological motion
Left temporal lobe Verbal memory and speech processing.
Right temporal lobe Nonverbal memory, musical processing, facial processing.
Symptoms of temporal lobe lesions Auditory disturbance, disorders of music perception, impaired organization and categorization, inability to use context, memory problems and altered sexual behaviour and personality.
Cortical deafness Absence of neural activity in the auditory regions
Impaired auditory processing Have trouble discriminating speech sounds
Wernicke's aphasia Disturbed recognition of words
Temporal lobe damage Impaired at object recognition, complex pattern recognition
Right temporal lobe lesions Abnormal face perception and biological motion recognition
Selective attention to auditory input Impaired in patients with temporal lobe damage and can be tested with dichotic listening
Damage to the left temporal lobe Impairs recall of visual stimuli in the right visual field
Damage to the right temporal lobe Impairs recall of visual stimuli in both visual fields
Left temporal lobe lobectomies Lead to impairment in the ability to categorize words or pictures of objects
Posterior lesions Lead to a difficulty in recognizing specific word categories
Anterograde amnesia Amnesia for events after bilateral removal of the medial temporal lobes
Inferotemporal cortex Conscious recall of information
Left temporal lobe Verbal memory
Right temporal lobe Impaired recall of nonverbal material.
Stimulation of anterior and medial temporal cortex Produces feelings of fear.
Temporal lobe personality Personality that overemphasizes petty details, pedantic speech, egocentricity, paranoia, prone to aggression.


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