The Cell Cycle


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Bee Brittain
FlashCards por Bee Brittain, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Bee Brittain
Criado por Bee Brittain mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
The cell cycle has three stages, name them Interphase Nuclear Divison/mitosis Cytokinesis
Describe the role of interphase in the cell cycle Occupies most of the cell cycle and is sometimes known as the 'resting phase' as no division takes place
Describe the role of Nuclear divison in the cell cycle Nuclear division is when the nucleus divides and cell division. It can either divide into two (mitosis) or four (meiosis)
Describe the role of cytokinesis in the cell cycle Follows nuclear division and is the process by which the cytoplasm divides to produce two new cells (mitosis) or four gametes (meiosis)
Fill in the blanks: The ____ of mitosis can be affected by the _______ of the cell and by ______ factors. It is also controlled by two types of ____. If one of these ______ goes through a __________, this can lead to uncontrolled mitosis and form a _______. The RATE of mitosis can be affected by the ENVIRONMENT of the cell and by GROWTH factors. It is also controlled by two types of GENE. If one of these GENES goes through a MUTATION, this can lead to uncontrolled mitosis and form a TUMOR.
Describe a benign tumor 1) grows more slowly 2) is more compact 3) less likely to be life-threatening
Describe a malignant tumor 1) Grows quickly 2) are less compact 3) More likely to be life-threatening
Cancer and tumors are caused by what? A growth disorder in cells as a result of damage to the genes that regulate mitosis and the cell cycle, this leads to uncontrolled growth and division of the cells. As a consequence to this, a tumor forms and expands. A tumor becomes cancerous if it goes from being to benign to malignant.
What does the treatment of cancer usually involve? The treatment of cancer usually involves killing dividing cells by blocking part of the cell cycle. If the cell cycle is disrupted = cell division and cancer growth ceases.
What is the name given to the treatment of cancer using drugs? Chemotherapy
Chemotherapy disrupts the cell cycle by doing what? - Preventing DNA from replicating - Inhibiting the metaphase stage of mitosis by interfering with spindle formation
Chemotherapy drugs are more effective against rapidly dividing cells, why is this effective against caner cells? Cancer cells divide uncontrollably, and so divide at a faster rate than normal cells. This means that although normal body cells do get damaged, cancer cells are damaged to a greater degree than normal cells.
What fast dividing normal body cells get damaged during chemotherapy? Fast diving hair cells


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