Social Influence


AS Level Psychology (Unit 2: Understanding Other People) FlashCards sobre Social Influence, criado por Oliver Wood em 03-02-2014.
Oliver Wood
FlashCards por Oliver Wood, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Oliver Wood
Criado por Oliver Wood aproximadamente 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Describe and give two evaluations of the Asch line study. Effect of other opinions on conforming to wrong answer. 4 lines, asked to pick same length - confederates gave wrong answers. [32%] GAVE WRONG ANSWER. Those giving wrong ans. clearly conforming. (-) Laboratory study (-) Deception was unethical
Name 4 factors affecting Conformity. Group size: Larger group -> Higher Need to be right: We assume others are correct. Need to be liked: Strong desire to be accepted. Anonymity: If others can't know our answers, conformity drops.
Describe and evaluate one study into Obedience, giving its definition. Milgram - A: See how far people obey orders of authority. M: Teacher shocks a confederate learner. Verbal 'continue' prompts used. R: 100% shocked fatal 300v, and [65%] shocked to 450v. 3 seizures. C: Normal people are obedient. Obedience is following authority's orders.
Evaluate the study described. (-) Deception used (-) No protection from psych. harm - stress (-) Right to withdraw revoked (-) Only male American participants
Describe 3 factors affecting obedience. Authority: When no white coat worn, obedi -> lowered Personal Responsibility: When not pressing the button, obedi. -> Raised Proximity: If learner could be seen, obedi. -> lowered
Define social loafing, and describe a study into it. Putting less effort in when in a group. Latane - A: Investigate effect of groups on effort. M: Participants clapped, alone or in group of 6 wearing headphones. R: Larger the group size, less noise made. C: People put less effort into a task when others do the same task.
Evaluate the study described. (-) Only one culture studied: Different concerns for group well-being. (-) Lacks ecological validity (making noise is odd)
Name two factors affecting social loafing. Size of group: Larger the loafier. Culture: Some care more than others.
Define De-individuation and two factors affecting it. Losing our sense of individuality and responsibility. Wearing a uniform causes us to act the roles it represents. Defined groups lead to deindiv. as people act as their group is expected to.
Describe and evaluate a study into deindividuation. Zimbardo - A: To see anti-social in a city vs. a small town M: Parked a car with bonnet up in each place. Observed people's actions. R: In city, parts stolen immediately. In town, untouched save bonnet put down. C: Large cities lead to deindividuation. (+) High ecological validity, done real setting. (-) No informed consent.
Describe one study into bystander intervention. (Darley and Latane) A: Investigate emergency reactions when others present. M: Participants filled questionnaire in room, alone or in threes. Smoke filled room. R: [75%] reported smoke on their own, while only [38%] in threes. C: Other people decrease bystander intervention.
Evaluate a study into bystander intervention. (-) Could have picked up demand characteristics. (-) Unlike everyday situation, lacks eco. validity. (+) Demonstrates diffusion of responsibility.
State 3 factors affecting bystander intervention. More people around -> Lower B.I. Similarity to the victim -> Higher B.I (eg. female shock study) Appearance of victim. Vulnerable -> Higher B.I.
State a practical implication for: Conformity, Obedience, Social loafing, Deindividuation, Bystander Intervention. C: 12th jury member who agrees despite opinion. O: Space shuttle Challenger explosion, minor engineers ignored fault when instructed. S.L: Team games like rugby, football difficult to indentify. D: School uniform on children makes them behave better. B.I: 2-year old James Bulger murdered by two boys.


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