Science Electricity words


FlashCards sobre Science Electricity words , criado por 19erika29 em 07-02-2014.
FlashCards por 19erika29, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por 19erika29 mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
An energy source battery,power plant, thermocouple, photocell, generator
Wires to conduct electrons and connect the different parts of circuit
A resistance light bulb, appliance, machine, motor - converts current into heat, light or mechanical energy
A switch opens and closes circuit allowing a path for electrons to flow
Series -all the parts are connected one after another -only one path for electrons to flow -a break in any circuit will stop electron flow -ex. holiday tree lights
parallel -different parts of the circuit are on separate branches -several paths for electrons to flow-if there is a break in one branch, electrons can still move through other branches
Electric Current the flow of charged particles
Conductors Allow electrons to flow easily through them
Voltage the amount of energy required to move a charge between two points
Voltage the amount of energy required to move a charge between two points


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