Coasts ♡


Coasts key terms ♡
lauren ♥
FlashCards por lauren ♥, atualizado more than 1 year ago
lauren ♥
Criado por lauren ♥ quase 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What influences the size and energy of waves ? ♡ How long the wind has been blowing, the strength of the wind & how far the wind has travelled (the fetch) ♡
What is swash ? ♡ When a wave breaks and water is washed up on the beach ♡
How are waves created ? ♡ By wind blowing over the sea, which creates friction - producing a swell in the water, the energy of the wind causes water particles to rotate inside the swell, this moves the wave forwards ♡
What is backwash ? ♡ Water running down the beach ♡
What are destructive waves ? ♡ Waves created in storm conditions which wave energy is high and has traveled over a long fetch, they tend to erode the coast ♡
What are constructive waves ? ♡ Waves created in calm weather, when they break they deposit material which builds up beaches ♡
What is hydraulic action erosion ? ♡ Trapped air in joints and cracks on a cliff face, when a wave breaks the trapped air is compressed which weakens the cliff and causes erosion ♡
What is abrasion erosion ? ♡ When rock and sand in waves grind down cliff surfaces like sandpaper ♡
What is attrition erosion ? ♡ When waves smash rocks and pebbles on the shore into each other, and they break up and get smoother ♡
What is solution erosion ? ♡ There's acid in sea water which dissolves some rocks such as chalk and limestone ♡
How is material in the sea transported ? ♡ The material is eroded from cliffs, transported by long-shore drift along the coastline and then brought inland by waves ♡
What is long-shore drift ? ♡ Continual swash and backwash transports material sideways along the coast. This movement of material is called long-shore drift and occurs in a zigzag ♡
What is saltation ? ♡ Material which is bounced along the sea bed ♡
What is traction ? ♡ Pebbles and larger sediment which is rolled along the sea bed ♡
What is deposition ? ♡ When the sea loses energy, it drops the sand, rock particles and pebbles it's been carrying ♡
What forms of weathering are there ? ♡ Chemical (rainfall) & biological (animals and roots) ♡


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