Liver pathology 1


AS - Level 4th year Pathology, semester 1 FlashCards sobre Liver pathology 1, criado por Hayley Pfeffer em 22-05-2016.
Hayley Pfeffer
FlashCards por Hayley Pfeffer, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Hayley Pfeffer
Criado por Hayley Pfeffer quase 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What does the gall bladder do? concentrate and store bile
What are kupffer cells? liver macrophages
What produces bile? and where does it pass through to get to the gall bladder? Hepatocytes Bile caniculi- larger bile ducts- gall bladder
Define cholestasis Reduction in bile secretion adn flow
What can cause cholestasis? obstruction of bile ducts obstruction of caniculi caused by hepatocyte swelling- injury or too much fat malfuntion of hepatocytes
What are the functions of the liver? Bile production carbohydrate, lipid and vitamin metabolism protein synthesis + secretion-albumin +clotting factors converts Nh3 to urea Detoxification + safe storage of toxins
What are the 2 blood supplies of the liver? where does blood exit the liver from? hepatic artery Portal vein hepatic vein
What is a portal triad made up of? and where do they originate from? A venule- portal vein An arteriole- hepatic artery Biliary duct
Where does the blood in the portal areas flow to? where does this lead to? central vein hepatic vein
If animal becomes hypoxic, which hepatocytes are likely to be damage? central vein
If a hepatic toxin is absorbed from the GIT, which hepatocytes are more likely to be damaged? It depends, different hepatocytes have different enzymes to deal with different toxins- may not necessarily be the periportal hepatocytes that are damaged first
What is the word for inflammation of botht eh liver and biliary tract? Cholangiohepatitis
What is teh word for inflammation of the gall bladder? Cholecystitis
What are some ways teh liver responds to injury? regeneration fibrosis hyperplasia
What does regenerating liver look like? and what can it be mistaken for? nodular neoplasia
When does fibrosis occur? With chronic or severe injury due to damage that doesn't resolve
What does fibrosis cause the liver to look like grossly? smaller paler firmer
What does cirrhosis describe? how does liver appear? what does it result from? end stage liver small, pale firm chronic, irreversible progression of liver disease
What are some changes you see as liver disease progresses towards failure? oedema neurological signs Increased bleeding time photosensitization changes on bloods
Why do you see odema with liver failure? where is the odema seen? Dysfunctional liver can't make enough albumin to maintain COP- get hypoalbuminaemia- odema abdomen- ascites
Why do you see neurological signs with liver failure? Dysfunctional liver can't convert Ammonia into urea- Ammonia accumulates in blood- toxic to the brain- causes hepatic encephalopathy
Why do you see increased bleeding time with liver disease? what CS may you see? what blood work changes may you see? Dysfunctional liver can't make enough clotting factors to achieve homeostasis lethargy, pale mm, increased CRT, tachycardia, reluctance to exercise regenerative anaemia TTP decreased Mild thrombocytopenia increased APTT, PT
Why may liver disease cause photosensitization? Dysfunctional liver can't excrete phylloerythrin- accumulates in blood and causing photosensitization
What are some changes seen on biochemistry with liver failure? -increased bile acids and bilirubin -decreased urea, glucose, cholesterol, albumin
What are some clues that an anaemia is non regenerative? hx and cs suggest more chronic disease course no retics
How do you differentiate between regenerative anaemia due to haemolysis or haemorrhage? TPP decreased with haemorrhage normal with haemolysis
What does polychromasia mean ? what does anisocytosis mean? different colours different sizes
What would make you think an anaemia is potentially regenerative? acute sounding hx and CS <3-5 days since haemorrhage or haemolysis
What is erythrocytosis generally due to? relative- dehydration
What does primary haemostasis involve? Platelets vWF
What does secondary haemostasis involve? Coagulation factors
What does neutrophilia with a left shift reflect? inflammation
What does "toxic change" indicate? morphological changes in neutrophils due to accelerated maturation indicates inflammation
Describe features of a Stress leukogram Any 2 or more of the following: -mature neutrophilia -monocytosis -lymphopenia -eosinopenia
What are the main causes of neutrophilia? physiological- fear, excitment corticosteroids- stress leukogram inflammation IMHA
What may cause a neutropenia? Increased use- severe inflammation in largies Decreased production- parvo
What does panhyperproteinaemia involve? and what usually causes it? increased TPP, albumin and globulin dehydration
What can cause panhypoproteinaemia? haemorrhage
What can cause hyperglobulinaemia? FIP, inflammation
What can cause hypoglobulinaemia? inadequate colostrum in neonates
What can cause non- renal azotaemia? increased protein catabolism (GIT haemorrhage, high protein diet) only urea increases, creatinine normal
What does pre-renal azotameia with a concentrated USG indicate? dehydration
What causes renal azotaemia? significant renal disease- 7% nephrons non functional
What causes post renal azotaemia? bladder rupture or urethral obstruction
What is the range for: hyposthenuric isosthenuric minimal concentration and optimal concentration? 1.001-1.007 1.008-1.012 1.013-1.030 >1.030/ 1.035 cats


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