Oxygen and Burning


AQA Certificate; to test the reactions of different elements burnt in air
Jim Fellows
FlashCards por Jim Fellows, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Jim Fellows
Criado por Jim Fellows mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What does amphoteric mean? It means an oxide can react either as an acid or as a base
What type of solution is formed when a metal oxide is dissolved in water? An alkaline solution
What type of solution is formed when a non-metal oxide is dissolved in water? An acidic solution
When magnesium burns with oxygen: i-what is the colour of the flame ii-what does the product look like iii-is it alkaline or base when dissolved in water i-bright white flame ii-white powder iii-slightly alkaline
When carbon is burnt in air i-what is the colour of the flame ii-what does the product look like iii-is it alkaline or base when dissolved in water i-orange-yellow flame ii-carbon dioxide gas iii-slightly acidic
When sulfur is burnt in air i-what is the colour of the flame ii-what does the product look like iii-is it alkaline or base when dissolved in water i-pale blue ii-sulfur dioxide gas iii-acidic
When sodium is burnt in air i-what is the colour of the flame ii-what does the product look like iii-is it alkaline or base when dissolved in water i-bright yellow flame ii-white solid; sodium oxide iii-slightly alkaline
When iron is burnt in air i-what is the colour of the flame ii-what does the product look like iii-is it alkaline or base when dissolved in water i-orange flame ii-black powder iii-does not dissolve in water


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